The cutest Overwatch heroes 😍

  1. Widow (More of a beauty than a cutie)
  2. Mei (So huggable)
  3. Mercy (That laugh emote and dance!)
  4. Tracer (Energetic and hyper positive)
  5. Brig (Just look at some of her sprays!)
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Bastion. Followed by Ganymede.

Fight me.

It’s gotta be Hammond. I mean, have you seen those cheeks? He’s adorable! :3
Also, Moira. I find her “elegant” way of talking cute. That and the way she Naruto-runs. :grin:

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Lol, top notch👌

Let’s do this

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I jut realize that you are almost at 10k in post :sweat_smile:

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I barely even notice😂

It’s crazy


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We have a hamster now… So Hammond wins by default.

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Bastion is the cutest, followed closely by Hammond for me

Why do I see her being this way after you know what goes live? (shakeshead)

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This is so true :disappointed_relieved:

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I’m sorry to here about sombra my friend😭

You got this🤗


Hey Jelly! Would you mind popping over to my thread and giving your view? I know you’ve played Mercy, and I would like as many and as varied people to give their insights as possible. :slight_smile:

Not to bribe you, but there’s the occasional bunny gifs there too! :wink:

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Anything for you my friend, whats the threads name?:heart:


You may not like it but that’s what peak physical condition looks like.

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Mercy - Jack of all trades and master of all?

Thank you, I’d love for some extra positivity! :heart:

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We are staying strong!!!


Whenever I am playing the game drunk I always play Winston because I think he is the cutest and most hilarious hero. Those dorky voicelines :ok_hand:

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Ok. I will give you that one.

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