The cutest Overwatch heroes 😍

Tracer would be pretty cute if she wasn’t continuously talking and saying phrases.

Mercy must be protected, to pure.

Widowmaker is a little to mean to be cute.

Symmetra with magician skin is adorable.

Nan is always gonna be cute, but she’s feisty.

Dva is in the same boat as tracer, won’t shut her trap. also she’s basically half a furry…

Bastion is up there. Don’t know how you can make a death machine cute, but whatever.

Mei is also to pure. She giggles after she freezes your body and slaughters you. Also pajamei would be the best skin if her back wasn’t so messed up. pls fix blz

Brigitte is more spunky and lighthearted than cute. Love the lose strands of hair tho.

Roadhog is adorable when he takes out his patchamari friend.

And the most adorable of all, torbjorn. Who wouldn’t think the little guy was the cutest thing you’ve ever seen?

Wow, nice well thought out list👌

That’s it.
From his golden eyes to his all encompassing smile, his corny jokes and terrible puns, with his animated and energetic movements there isnt a character I adore more in this game or as a subject of my artistic endeavors.
those abs ain’t nothing to sneeze at either

He’s my incredibly problematic fav



(vmat on Deviantart)
(umitaro on Twitter)

I think I got my list of cutest characters sorted out…

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  1. Torb’s turret
  2. Junkrat’s bear trap
  3. McCree’s BAMF belt
  4. Ganymede
  5. Snowball

My Top 3 will be:

  • Mercy
  • Sombruh
  • Lucio (im suprised that no one said that before)
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I’ll never judge you.
They should really nerf the lifeguard skin

Brigitte stole my heart.

hahaha that was epic!!!

Sombra is #1 for sure. The fan stuff is where she shines

ht tps://

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The “talon” comics just make them into the most lovable dysfunctional family

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Reinhardt, Roadhog and Hammond :3

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Well Hammond is in PTR now.
A new challenger appears …

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Let’s do this people😂

I need a rank 3 to link orisa sit and puppy emotes…tyvm

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you must have misspelled torbjorn

Hammond, by far

Just look at those chubby cheeks he is so adorable.

Oh wait, we are talking about the characters we think are hot (rip lv3 privileges). Alright, here I go.

  1. Tracer: I am attached to her personality. She is just so energetic. She is not edgy (unlike a couple other characters) or “too serious (again, unlike some other characters) and seems like the least likely to kill me if we met irl (unlike a certain widowmaker). And on top of that she looks attractive, literally no downsides.

  2. Idk who else, maybe Mercy.

For me it’s 100% Tracer by far. Her Voice, her Personality, her lore… Hell I even cried at the Cinematic with Tracer / Widow / Mandata (sorry if written wrong)

But ok I could cry on any Blizzard Cinematic, since they are Amazing, Emotional and pure love of the creators.

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For me it’s gonna be Mei

Tracer, Mei, Hamtaro, Orisa, Lucio

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My guess yours would be Reaper.

Well depending on understanding word cute…
Cute as attractive: Briggy, and Mercy.
Cute as adorable: Orisa, Bastion and Hamster.