The current state of Placements

I have been a solid 2700+ player with over 350 levels of knowledge with dreams of becoming a diamond player. Unfortunately, it hasn’t happened yet so I made an alt account to try my hardest and look if it even is possible for me to place over 3000 sr. It had been a long time since I did my starting placements so I was kind of hyped. I am a tank main so I obviously started with my tank placements. After 8 minutes, I played a flipping 2 vs 3 due to various leavers. Which already told me the placements were not gonna be fun, however, fortunately, we won. My second game was ‘normal’. My third placement was an internal error from Blizzard’s side so I got disconnected and lost my third game. So I went 1-2. My fourth and fifth game included 2 leavers in my team so I went 1-4 and placed 2309. It could have been way worse, I know but still it is 400 sr under my average sr. My question to Blizzard is: Why am I the one who gets screwed over by the decision from my teammates to leave me and the game??? I would suggest an system where the games with 2+ healers are excluded from the placements because there is no player who can show their potential while fighting 1 vs 2 all the time.

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where you went wrong was thinking you where going to place higher on a new account to begin with.

It’s definitely possible to place in diamond, I have the past 3 seasons each time higher than the last. If you play any support I could do a vod review I’m not pro or anything im still learning but I’ve almost hit masters on one of my accounts and I feel the whole process of climbing out of plat would have been hella easier if someone had done the same for me.

Hey try to check my topic, what do you think about it?

And btw buying alt was bad idea, initial placement is s a lot about luck, even when you belong into diamond, you can easily end up in gold.

If you want to climb to dia on your main you have to work on yourself and grind the game.

He could end up in mid dia with some luck. Initial placement can have a lot of random results based on how placement works. But i would not buy new acc to be higher honestly.