The current SR system is too broken

You are right and he has 44% WR on torb, 20% Bastion his two most played heroes. You are absolutely right he deserves to be even lower and has the stats to back that up.

Really? i just played my placements on this account and i got 3300 right off the bat. You only start at a lower tier if you deserve to be there. Focus on improving your gameplay, mechanics, positioning, and awareness and you will climb.

op i understand you are frustrated, im sorry, i know the feeling, the truth is you just gotta work on improving, i know your teammates can be really silly sometimes but you canā€™t change that, just keep your head up an continue to play, try to get to the point where you are winning 51% of your games or more, that should be the lowest point where you can start climbing, do you want some advice for certain heros? What are your favorites? It sounds like you mostly prefer bastion and torb?

Torb is really good paired with sym in bronze, get her to put up the shield gen and throw armor at everyone, its hard for people to get past you when you are defending

bastion is a bit harder to give advice for, id suggest that you just keep playing and trying to get better! dying less is a good goal to start with! you can do it!

never said they deserved to be lower, you are being kinda mean dudeā€¦ they deserve to be wherever they are now, you arenā€™t actually going to make them get out of the ā€œits not me its my teamā€ mentality with your responses : (

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He needs to understand itā€™s him and not his teammates so he can focus on improving himself. Still want to know whats his dpi and sens. I wouldnt be surprised if he is using default sens (15) and 1600-2k dpi which would be awful and explain his accuracy.

yea but you arenā€™t going to help convince them by being rude dudeā€¦

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Man dont waste your time.
You need to get better and improve blabla, thats true.
Its also true that this game has many issues, sr, mmr, ladder even the league as a concept.

But is a game, get better, in low elo (bronce) play whit people whit mics and youll climb in no time.

or get good whit something that mostly needs nobody else to play or that makes a profound impact in the game.

i cant dps i will never dps, so i tank, heal or junk/briggā€¦last seasson i fell from 1700 to 700, stayed back and forth between 1000 and 800.

This seasson i started at 1100ā€¦fell to 900, then climbed to 1300, some you win some you loose.
Some i loose because i cant hard carry, some because someone leaves, some because theres a troll, some because im playing a hero i dont know.

Relaxā€¦bronce is hell, most people dont care or are just trolling, if you cant hard carry and have he patience of farming, youll never get out.

but then in silver is the sameā€¦and in gold.

So have fun, improve your gaming.

Still the game has many issues, but who cares? Blizzard is not my employee so i cant care less about the issues, games broken? most likely so enjoy it as it isā€¦or go play something else.

im just here to rebuttal that you can win up to 51-54% of your games and still be down SR

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yea i know thats the problem lmao 51% SHOULD be the point where you can climb but it currently isnā€™t cause pbsr

PBSR isnā€™t causing that. Even ranks that donā€™t have PBSR donā€™t climb with less than something like 54% or higher.

Also, what game has a ranked mode where you climb at 51%? Iā€™ve never played one where wins and losses are perfectly equal in rating adjustment.

iirc i think thats a seperate thing becauase its so high up so you have to start increasing your winrate to overtake other people?

dota, league of legends

the mmr or sr or whatever gain isnā€™t completely flat you are right, but it isnā€™t biased one way or the other, mathmatically you slowly climb with a 51% winrate.

in dota you have team difference in points which makes you loose or gain a bit more or less but its not biased for or against you consistently so all it means is you might have to play a few more or a few less games compared to completely flat gains

league of legends has something slightly different, im not as well up on how it works, but you are still very much able to climb with a 51% winrate.


20 characters

oh yea, also tekken and probably other ranked ladders for fighting games

it doesnā€™t work very well in team based games but losses and gains arenā€™t so unequal in other games that it could potential caause people to have to get a 60% winrate to break even.

You would have to be seriously underperforming to have a 60% win rate and break even. Like, the kind of performance that makes people report you for throwing, because all you did was charge in alone and feed.

Also, what you described with DOTA 2 is basically PBSR.

The only way 51% is where you start climbing is in a system with flat gains for win/loss.

i dunno i dont think we have enough information on what the pbsr actually measures to be sure

er no its literally not pbsr, dota has no form of performance based matchmaking, dota does not bias gains or losses for or against you based on your performance, it gives you around er 15-30 points, normally somewhere in between, based on the difference between your teams ranks, this is to make getting stomped hurt less when its by people significantly higher than you in rank cause they somehow got matched with you. This is not pbsr.

You said team points, not ranks. Your phrasing implied performance, not the exact same system used in Overwatchā€™s higher tiers.


im just being confusing lmao god

ill explain

i meant ā€œthe collective average of everyone on one team vs the other teamā€

so one team has 5 bronze players and one silver and another team has 4 bronze players and 2 silvers the second team will have a slightly larger average sr, team points, rank, i was using those terms to mean the same thing cause different games call thier points different things, ill just use sr though ok?

so you gain or loose more or less based on the difference in average sr between your team and the enemy team but this is fine and it doesnā€™t hinder climbing because its not consistently biased for or against you like performance based sr.

Again, what you just described is the same thing Overwatch does in higher ranks.

And without a flat gain system, the only way to climb at 51% is if the system is biased in favor of giving your more SR than you loseā€¦ Which is what PBSR tries to do.

mm i donā€™t think its impossible to climb with a 51% winrate? You would very slowly climb over a long peroid of games, thats just how the math works out when its not biased against or for you? Isnā€™t it?

iirc at higher ranks, so, diamond and above? You start needing a higher winrate because of a different system? you cant just infinitely climb? To stay in the, say, top 500 or gm, you need a higher winrate than 54% even?

Yes, in a system that uses completely flat gains, 51% win-rate would result in a slow climb. That wouldnā€™t be a fair system either, though, because thereā€™s variation even among the same rank in a lot of games, including Overwatch.

Top 500, sure. GM, no. Top 500 is limited, so people can actually push you out by climbing themselves. Actual ranks arenā€™t limited like that, though.

mm ok i just dont mathmatically see why you cant climb with a 51% winrate if you donā€™t have pbsr and a lack of the thing thats in gm and top 500 ? There would be variance in sr gains and losses but they wouldnā€™t be biased against or for you so all that means is you would need to grind enough games to slowly climb because you are winning more than 50% of them.