The Crappy SR System

Yo! ZakBurnap here wanting to talk about the system that I’ve been told about the way Competitive works. To start off I remember reading that the way you’re SR is determined is that they go by your SR and rank from last season which I think should not be the case purely because this is the 2nd season that I’ve been put in the wrong SR rating due to being stuck in a lower SR tier from the past season, this season I believe I won 7 games, Lost 2, and got 1 draw for my placements and it put me in mid-Gold (Which is not bad, That’s not what I’m complaining about). The only reason I’m complaining is because I got stuck in Silver last season because I kept getting bad teammates (Throwers mostly, and I think that the Looking For Group helps so I don’t get Throwers). But I’ve gone against people who were in low-mid Platinum and I did about as well as they did some of them did better than me and I did better against some of them (Roughly the same skill level). But I just played a game against a full team and all of them had Silver ratings, but it didn’t seem like they should have been Silver, they didn’t seem as though they were in the right tier of SR, to me it seemed as though they were in a lower tier than they should have been, which brings up another issue with it; if someone was in a “low” tier last season then won every placement game they would possibly be boosted into a tier that they don’t belong in, or if someone was in a “high” tier last season and lost most of the placement games they would be placed in a lower tier than they should be in. This could also go along with Smurfs which are also an issue, where people purposefully place in a lower tier than they should be in and just completely dominate everyone which isn’t fair.
In my opinion I feel that the SR should be started fresh every season and NOT go off of what it was last season. I feel as though it should be like that for more accurate placements in competitive; or something else that could be done is have it so that the first 5 games post-placements that are played DO NOT count towards your ranking, but have an estimated rank given to you, then have the system make slight adjustments after those 5 games to see if the player is in the right tier of ranking.
But that’s really all I have to say on the matter, this is all my personal opinion (Which probably means little to nothing). But I absolutely love this game and truly do wish that Competitive’s SR rating system gets properly taken care of, and I will always be playing Overwatch.

Thank you for reading this, ZakBurnap


if you can hard carry and win over 50% of games, then you will rank up, simple as that. No use in complaining about throwers, leavers, griefers, toxic players, etc. because the enemy team has just as much of a chance of having them as you do. If you get better instead of complaining about how the system then you might just rank up. I’ve played in that elo and it is so ludicrously easy to solo hard carry games with virtually any role that it isn’t even funny.

Why should sr be refreshed every season? What, you’re gonna drastically improve over 3 days? This is lunacy. The placement system is just a minute gauge of your current performance and a comparison to the last season. This is why the next couple of games (could be anywhere from 5-20) can result in drastic shifts of sr because the system is still trying to place you where it believes you should be.

Placements have very little ability to place you any substantial amount higher or lower than where you were at the previous season. At most it will be +/- 200 sr of where you were the previous season. Which is still less than the typical +/- 300 sr fluctuation anyways.

After you stop complaining and claiming that everyone you play with belongs lower, stop and realize that you are also in that tier, doesn’t matter if you are only there bc of where you initially landed, you’ve had the entire season to improve, and you didn’t. You are just as bad as the people on your team. The only way to gain sr is to improve yourself, the only person you CAN improve. If you can’t make a drastic enough impact on the match then you are exactly where you belong, regardless of which hero you play.

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Remember last time the SR system got reset for Season 2? Everyone got to play horribly balanced matches for their first games with GMs against Bronze players, and everyone just ended back in their percentile from Season 1. It was awful and everyone got pissed at Blizzard for doing it. I doubt they’ll do it again.


“I won a game against some platinum players once.”

“I’ve consistently placed silver until this season.”

Maybe… your rank was right all along and you’ve simply improved to a gold-tier level of skill?

Im just testing out how the quote function works :wink:


SR system is fine. I placed 1600 s5. This season I placed 3580 on this account and 3800 on my main.

You can climb out of silver. I’ve done it. I have friends who’ve done it. It’s just a matter of accepting that you belong at where you’re at if you can’t climb out and improving.

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Restart the SR every season sounds fine to me. What you’re really complaining about though is the MMR and that is totally messed up.


I don’t think so bucko. The store system is the worst rank setup I’ve ever seen you can have great stats for your mains still be thrown under the bus for it I believe that you should be put into certain ranks based off your statistics and not how many times someone can leave or throw in a couple stupid placement matches.

Game’s about wins not stats, bucko.

That’s my exact complaint people can leave and you and your team must take the punishment for that because they were too lazy to finish a match.

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But that doesn’t happen every game, and it happens to the enemy team too. Everyone who has climbed dealt with the same crap you do, yet it didn’t stop them. You don’t deserve SR if you can’t secure wins. Some games are unwinnable, yes, but if you consistently make plays that give you a greater chance of winning than the other team, you will climb.

I understand your points but the fact is is that nobody care about the lower ranks and nobody in the lower ranks care. For some people in bronze like me I was thrown in bronze because when I was in my first placement matches I was screwed over because I was doing placement matches with bronze players. What I’m saying is that people who have the skill and devotion to the game don’t have the chance to be in a higher rank. because the truth is is that Blizzard does not care about you or me or anyone else.

Except they do. A friend of mine only has one functional arm. He started in bronze and is now approaching diamond as a Genji main. He dragged himself out of that SR with a disability because he was determined to. What I’m saying is that people who have the skill and devotion to the game do have the chance to be higher rank.

People who don’t have the skill and devotion come on to the forums and blame the system.


Accept they do. If your referring to Blizzard they really don’t they could care less about how you feel or if you don’t like their system.

About your friend that is great but if your good enough why would it place you in bronze in the first place. And you accused all the people who hate the comp system of not having skill or devotion I think that is a pretty sorry excuse of an argument.

I didn’t even address Blizzard. Of course they’re indifferent. They provide a product and we are consumers, that’s it. And you’re missing my point. He wasn’t good when he was placed bronze. He worked at it and improved.

I accuse people who make excuses for being trapped in their elo of not having the skill and devotion. But really skill is a product of devotion, so they lack more in the devotion, although if you’re trapped in a tier you also lack the skill to climb to the next. The system has problems, sure, but it’s not trapping people in place and does reward improvement.

First of how do you know I lack skill? Many of my friends believe I am a God at D.Va but when I did placement matches thought my stats were high I still got thrown under the bus because I’m stuck with people who lack skill.

You are literally playing with the bottom 1-3% of the player base, a tier mostly comprised of little kids, people who have never played a fps before, people with disabilities, old people with bad reaction times, people with bad hardware,etc. Your enemies are just as bad as your teammates, if you had any skill YOU would make the difference and carry the games easily. The people down there literally stand still to shoot and miss 90% of their shots, if you can’t carry easily those games then I don’t know what to tell you.


First, I said you lack the skill to move to the next tier. Just like I lack the skill to get GM, you lack the skill to make it to silver. Second, I know you lack skill because you are bronze and struggling to climb out. It’s literally the bottom 1% and you struggle to win.

Now I want to be clear I’m not trying to be mean or attack you or anything like that. I started like 600 SR above you; that’s not that much of a difference. But if you want to climb, you need to recognize your own shortcomings so you can fix them.

You are not a god DVa. You may be a good bronze DVa, though, and I’d encourage you to continue to play her. She’s one of my favorite heroes and was my main for a few seasons.

The thing is is that I get gold medals all the time and it’s tough to attack the point or move the payload when all your teammates are dps and all too worked about their k/d ratio to want to attack the point the truth is nobody can do that by themselves no matter how bad the other players they will get you if nobody will move on to the point and make an attempt to win this isn’t CoD. And the truth we are all on the same boat we all get screwed over by this stupid game. Even in your finest hour you can’t do it yourself so at this point I don’t know if I’ll play comp anyone because where I’m at nobody give a monkeys left nut where they win or not for them it’s just another if a 13 year old boy gets to play Hanzo or not.

My level of respect for you has gone up now I don’t feel so kicked in the teeth. I do hope you can make it to grandmasters. So now that I know you started at a similar rank to you do you have any tips to grind out of this Hell hole known a bronze.