The Coven recruiting all who want a fun safe place to play!

Hello everyone! Wanting to form a team or look for friends that you can actually play with everyday and build team synergy with? Then look no further!!!

I hope you all are having a great day, I have just come to let people know that The Coven is recruiting for Overwatch 2 gameplay to have fun, ranked, and to build friendships to last a lifetime. The Coven was founded my yours truly and has been ongoing for years, we come from all walks of life and everyone is welcome here woman and man alike to join the ranks of Overwatch. Essentially what this post aims to do is to find like minded people to play Overwatch with and do customs, ranked, quick play or even learn tips and tricks to the game, everyone and I mean everyone is welcome here and I will be glad to have anyone come along and play and have fun! I myself usually play late at night as I am a mother and that’s the only time I have to myself I also am a support main and the times I play are usually around 9:00pm CST til about 6:00am CST NA servers, there will be no toxicity had here and also no sexism. I have a long line of history of games like these and can’t wait to meet all of you my gaming dates back to DOOM, Unreal Tournament, and Quake, so if you are like me and itching to find people you can actually play with on a daily basis and willing to team up for hours on end and acutally build a team that you can practice and get to know? Then look no further than The Coven! I will have my socials down below don’t be shy and reach out to me! I can’t wait to meet all you wonderful people :3

P.S. North America servers, PC player base, Must be willing to join discord to at least listen please ^.^

Discord: nyuni Nyuni#11306