The complete. end. of. Mercy

No, WAIT AND LISTEN, Blizzard just ignores and ignore. BUT NOW LOOK, WHO CAME? Jeff. Our papa Jeff came and told us. MERCY IS FINE. Okay…So explain me one thing okay? if 2 mega thread with over 20 k comments. DO YOU STILL THINK THE HERO IS FINE?
Blizzard really, You shutting us down EVERY SINGLE TIME we talking about Mercy. Ignoring us, Putting us on the mega thread (The one you never read. Yeah, That one.) And that’s it. Boom. You disappeared. So what should we do? I’m seriously asking you.You know to look at pick rates, And listen to DPS mains and top 500.

I’m really sorry Blizzard if I’m offensive, But, Maybe…This is the only way you listen to us?



Answering the title… Just look at her original legendary skins xd

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I’m lost as to what this post is trying to say


Blaming Dps again, enough of that.

There’s no conspiracy between us Dps against supports, it’s getting kind of old.



Yeah, I was gonna say that I frequently select her Devil skin, so… :blush:

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Good choice… with a price :>

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I’m gonna collect one of these days, when everyone I teamed with ever least expects it…

EDIT: Excuse me, I meant to say everyone I’ve teamed with and REZZED.

Oof, that title changed really quickly.

Yeah, I had to, Maybe that’s the only way Blizzard listen. :confused:

I’ll take, “Massive overreaction” for 1000 Alex


Hmm, nah. You will be send back to the megatrash.

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That’s…True :frowning:

Because really, if that were truly a thing, Brigitte wouldn’t exist.

The original title was the the main reason I clicked on this thread because I thought it would be a funny discussion… instant disappointment.

And this is why there’s a stigma around “Mercy mains”. I feel bad for the Mercy players who aren’t anything like this.

Mercy has amazing pickrates, is super versatile, and fits pretty much in every single team composition. What more do we need?


because its only mercy players saying mercy isn’t fine, thatd be like a mega thread of genji players saying “genji isn’t fine” and wondering why they wont get buffed. Mercy is fine as is. Don’t think shes fun anymore? play another hero.

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20k comments made by a specific group of Mercy players ( and those who protest ) do not speak for the every Mercy main and non-Mercy players.

You are just a small group, spamming things over and over again. Honestly, at this point it is getting tiring.


And for the 600000th time

Mercy is one of the most balanced characters


Grandmasters seem to think she is fine, seeing how only Brigitte (considered OPAF) and Zen are healers who are played more.