The community is holding Symmetra back

I hate both :upside_down_face:


And I play both :smiling_imp:

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because its not fun to play with or against, its fine for her to be niche and only good on certain maps because she is quite honestly a hero that many couldn’t care for at all
sym is a good example of why one tricking is bad for this game, she is niche and always will be the devs won’t buff something into the meta if people dont like playing with it or against it


How dare you…BEGONE

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the bare minimum changes to put sym 3.0 on the right track are:

I’ve literally written essays, math proofs, visual proofs and logical proofs to show how much current orbs and current tp cd mechanic are absolute crap and why they’re the way forward.

Devs have to face the reality that that’s the case.
No infinite tp does not provide more opportunities compared to old 3.0 finite tp.
No, orbs being renumbered around faster projectile won’t be OP, they’re UP now and making them more aimable is a skill based reward.
And yes, if you’re (devs) aren’t making sym into an indian zarya (i.e. actually commit to the m1 uptime avenue), then actually commit to the flexible orbing flanker, zoner, off-angle harasser avenue.
Heck where the hell is their supposed new data scientist to point this out to them?

If Sym’s beam was longer range like 20m and could crit, so many hitscan players would pick her up.

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Many heroes are unfun to play against, she is just another one. She is still a spam hero, with turrets that slow. Sure they can be destroyed quickly with most attacks, but often have to walk into a bad position to be able to destroy them, they are not OP, but are annoying.

Technically Sym was made to be a worse Zarya

I still wish she had her auto beam


As if other heroes don’t have low skill easy value stuff going for them.

But sym? Sorry that’s illegal.


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A beam being able to crit would be great. I wish zarya could but she’d probably be too strong :pensive:

There is hope for sym tho!

Sym doesn’t bring in their target OWL viewers so she has to stay bad. Hopefully the winds are changing on that though.

Sym is definitely less hated than she used to be. There were basically three things people didn’t like about Sym 1.0 and 2.0: Temporary Health (shields), Turrets, and a lock-on weapon. Two of those things are gone with 3.0.

And no, it’s far more than streamers that have issues with Symmetra. She’s always going to be hated to some degree as long as her turrets are so essential to her kit. Look at the overwhelmingly well-received Torbjorn rework to see an example of it done right.

They could do something like strip the damage from her turrets, keep the slow, increase the recharge rate and number of active turrets (while capping the max slow effect), and then pump power into her beam and give her Zarya range for starters.

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I don’t know that I fully agree with this, I see far more people asking for Sym to be buffed then I see complaining about her (I do agree she needs a buff tho)

Sombra on the otherhand, while she is viable higher up, a lot of people want her nerfed into the ground despite being trash on ladder, I feel like if the community was holding back heroes, Sombra wouldn’t be viable in OWL

My bet is they don’t have a Sym Streamer who brings them a lot of revenue the same way there are other streamer who main different heroes (who are viable and get to be powerful)

Sombra is worst character in the game at every rank GM included
Edit: just realised you said she’s bad on ladder and viable in OWL, my bad :disappointed:

I would like to see what happens if they get rid of her sentry damage entirely and have sentries generate charge and ammo for her weapon and buff the weapon itself. More range, faster orbs, no more auto aim damage.

Then she would be less annoying for low levels to play against and have more power at higher ranks, solving both problems at the same time. It would please genji mains no doubt, but her beam is still a decent weapon against them.

Sadly the community holds a lot of things back.

Counterargument: The chorus of old Symmetra mains who openly advocate for the return of 1.0 and/or 2.0 and ruthlessly drag 3.0 in public is holding her back.

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Remove her stupid turrets and give her a more interesting ability.
Turrets dont belong in this game and are a crutch for bad players to lean on but also gatekeep the hero from being good above metal ranks as higher ranks will rain fire on Blizzard if turrets become meta.