The community is holding Symmetra back

After almost 5 years and two reworks, Symmetra’s pickrate is still underwhelming and she lacks play time at the highest tiers of play.

She’s still one of the most hated heroes with her 180 potential DPS, her turrets, and the possibility for TP to completely skip chokes.

But in reality, Sym players know all to well that her turrets are quickly destroyed, her damage output is inconsistent and half the teams we’re put with are either oblivious to teleporter or just simply refuse to use it.

She’s needed consistency buffs for a long time, but whenever the devs touch Symmetra, streamers and their sheep have a meltdown because the hero is still considered unfun to play against.

Her rework failed to shift community perception (albeit, she’s not as hated as pre-rework) and she is still widely considered as a niche hero. So what’s going to happen?


I like how people consider sym unfun to play against but are ok with zarya who’s basically better sym


Honestly, not really. A lot of them have never complained about her much, and the ones that do usually hate other heroes way more like mccree bap or brig. I’d say if anything, low ranks hate her more because they dont shoot TP or turrets; they also dont focus her when shes out of position and just let her farm that Level 3 beam off rein shield

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Oh trust me, people complain about zarya a LOT

I wouldnt say people are ok with her


I’d argue the devs are holding her back more.

I played / mained her before the rework and IMO her redesign / reworks haven’t worked because her kit doesn’t fit well for a DPS character. She should be reworked slightly and put into the support category.


Never saw anyone complain about enemy Sym.

What’s holding Symm back, is that devs don’t want to make her equivalent to Reaper, in addition to turrets and a teleporter.

Also seriously, sentry bombing has got to go, if they ever want to up her pickrate.

  1. The whole bomb can be countered with one Ana nade, one Zarya right click, or even a melee.
  2. It requires 30 seconds worth of cooldowns.
  3. It’s one of the only independant strats Symmetra has.

Yes, it’s low tier cheese that is preventing the hero from having additional value.

Better off getting rid of it, and cashing those “buff coins” in elsewhere.


But I’ve never seen them report those characters simply for playing them.

its only low tier cheese in low tiers. It’s really not that hard to counter…


It’s really not worth having, if she could trade that in for value elsewhere.

You know as well as I do, that heroes like Bastion are blocked from buffs for similar reasons, but this is so ridiculously easy to part ways with.

Her turrets will always hold her back.


Are you sure about that? :rofl:

Seriously though, people hate sym for her turrets. They’re obnoxious as hell to play against.

Sym mains will hate me for saying this, but they’re holding her kit down. I even think that as someone who’s played her a fair amount recently.


Who, streamers or low rank players?

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Streamers, my bad for not being more clear on that.

what are you even talking about? get a level/tier 3 beam going and you will absolutely shred the enemy team

dont focus on her turrets, focus on that beam

dont think ive had a single game where i have played sym and havent dished a ton of damage

To be fair, I am pretty consistent. I don’t like her either. But at least she doesn’t have turrets that prevent my team from functioning like normal. Is it her fault my teams are awful? No. But she is still a direct cause of my suffering.

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sym’s fine, she’s one of the most hated heroes in the game and her tp mechanics gatekeep her potential. at best she can only ever be good and niche, which is exactly what she is now. Look at top500 leaderboards, watch dyslexia, harmony, biscuit, abandoned, doglight, stevo, slytradesman, imaxe(lius) etc. There are many 4400 sym otps doing fine


Only when she’s meta and even then it wasn’t as much as with sym
Sym was hilarious

That was all based on my experience :wink: