The CC nerfs kinda miss the point

The duration in itself is not the main issue, the issue is the amount of CC you have to go through. There is literally nothing a tank can do about getting stunned like 4 times in a row. I was thinking more something to prevent CC stacking like not applying more than 2 CC in a row unless its an ultimate or something.


I tend to agree with this assessment, and the only way to really manage this is by nerfing cooldowns. Nerfing cooldowns, however, can be very tricky as that often determines how effective that ability and ultimately the hero will be.

In any case, even with the proposed Experimental Card changes, it still feels like you are pinball when playing main tank.


you can put a system where if you get a cc hability, then you cant get another cc on the next like 2 seconds.

my first match today was against ana , briggite , doomfist, sigma, roadhog and mccree… what a terrible experience!

and when they almost lost, they change doom to mei!


Well, the cooldowns still do not prevent cc chains. They just happen less often.


I played yesterday as Rein against Doom, Sigma, Brig and Ana. It was awful.


Could use diminishing returns.


Another nice addition would be CC abilities that dont punish everyone equally, but rather focuses on countering mobility. A stun is a stun, wether it hits a flanker or tank. But something like a cripple (disables movement abilities but not WASD) or even roots punish those heros more, who rely on their mobility to survive. Tanks like Reinhardt or Winston obviously dont like when their mobility is taken away, but at least they still have a lot of HP as well as other abilities like shields or ults. So if Blizz was to replace some hard stuns with softer CC like cripples, roots and slows maybe that would be a solution that still offers counterplay to mobile heros while not dumping on every other hero.


I play tank and have never been stunned 4 times in a row. :confused:


we could easily replace a few stuns (shield bash!) with cripples or roots, would be awesome

Maybe the more HP you have, the more CC you are resistant? Like more HP means more “heavy” more bulkier, more mass, you know?


If you want i can show you the exact part in a replay that i thought i blocked the Sigma rock but a Doom punched me just as i was raising the shield then i got hit by punch, rock and a sleep dart soon after and when i got up i was punched again then died.

yeah, stun should affect 100% to flankers/dive but like 40% to tanks and other heros.

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I think the whole “I feel like a pinball when playing tank” misses an important point.

That only happens to a few tanks. Mostly Reinhardt and Winston. The solution is to play other tanks that have less trouble with CC if you get countered in this fashion (either Orisa for fortify or someone like Sigma who doesn’t play so close to the front line).

There are tanks that deal with CC better but people refuse to allow them to be good so they can be played.


Sounds like bad luck my dude, and a personal problem.

Exactly making them high-value commodities just like properly utilizing an ultimate economy.


Nah the CC nerfs hit the point exactly. Balance would be severely thrown off if CC was somehow less effective.

Yes, being a pinball is part of the counterplay.

People are playing a deathball Rein comp, you should be allowed to go Orisa + Ball for example and “strike” them to displace their formation to open counterplay.

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Wouldn’t it be easier to give Tanks resistances to CC?

Like % less Slows, Stuns, Hack duration


I still remember the outrage in TF2’s community over Scout’s baseball stun. Of all the things OW took from TF2, I wished they also picked up on how unfun cc is in a ‘competitive’ game.

But it seems like instead they chose to follow WoW’s design of 10million crowd control abilities


I think Orisa got away too easily this time. Her CC overrides every movement ability in the game and the snare effect is one of the most frustrating feelings in the game.

I’m hoping they take another look at her. My hope is that a nerfed Halt will hurt her synergy with Sigma while still keeping a synergy with Hog and Dva to a lesser extent.