The Casters: "It would be hilarious if Mercy got banned"

just maybe
they want to see how echo does without her

pickrates based on ladder is a really weird decision because it’s more of just “let’s ban the pubstompers” mechanic instead of banning the balance concerns

we’ll always just get these weird ban decisions when the actual balance problems aren’t touched

it’s literally a random drawing based off ladder pickrates
there is nothing intelligent or calculated behind the ban decisions. it’s just controlled randomness


emphasis on controlled
im sure that the devs have some level of say in it

last time they did bans it was just hatdrawing

i don’t see a reason to assume developer intent when there’s nothing that leans towards anything of the sort. mercy happens to have the pickrate for ban eligibility and she happened to get banned despite her lower chances, similar to how heroes like widowmaker keep consistently getting banned


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nobody asked for ladder pickrates to be what causes owl bans lol

if anything they probably wanted the reverse

You are thinking of a different report. I’m talking about rank distribution.

There was another one in the old forums (that got purged), but it was very similar to this one. IIRC the variation was 1% in two mid ranks. We compared that to the rank distribution of Overbuff at the time, and it had something like 3% GM and Plat was the median rank (where the database cuts at exactly 50%).

there is only one winner here…chipsa…

Why is Mercy seeing playtime at all in pro play?
She’s an entry level hero.


I dont even play her and can tell you that her skill ceiling is far higher than you’re suggesting. Especially before she was turned into a pocket bot.

How dare heroes you dislike be viable in high ranks/OWL. How dare.


Nobody is having any issue with Torb not being played by the pro’s because he’s an entry level hero. Why does Mercy need special treatment?

Why wouldn’t attackers just ban their counters?

That’s giving way too much power to the ban phase, games instantly get tilted one way because “well they picked a hero with just a few counters and they managed to manipulate the voting system to get their counters banned”

Suddenly the game itself doesn’t matter, all that matters is the voting metagame then you might as well throw the game as you could make it so unbalanced.

Because there are a lot less healers to pick from


Then the solution is to add more supports. Not to force Mercy into the meta.
Not seeing any Torb mains whine because their hero isn’t played by the best players in the game.

Torb is being played by the pros though he’s one of the most picked DPS in GM this month and has seen significant OWL playtime this season

Pro players consider him to be on the same power level as like Tracer and Cree rn


That’s a recent change then.
But that’s not the point. The other 99% of the time he wasn’t, Torb players weren’t complaining about Torb not being played by the best players in the world. Mostly because they acknowledge that he’s an entry level hero. Mercy is no different.

He’s the 18th most picked hero in GM this month on overbuff, which isn’t particularly outstanding. He’s slightly below the middle of the pack.

What? You misunderstand

The biggest counter Doomfist and Hammond have is CC; by reducing CC those two are going to have less counters and an easier time abusing their very annoying kits

Which then people will complain about seeing them more (I mean look at Mei, people still complain about her despite Bastion having better winrates) and then they’ll just be opening themselves up for further issues down the line.

This is a CONSTANT thing the balance team does. They gut Orisa, Sigma, and Baptiste; suddenly you can pretty much only play Reinhardt, Ana, and Moira… Which then leads to complaints about them starting up, and it continues like that over and over

He has also the fourth highest dps pickrate this month in the OWL (18 %)
Following your logic, why is Moira allowed to have such a high pickrate in the OWL?
Isnt she easy as well?
And shouldnt we take a look at the dps either?
Wow, Reaper highest pickrate and Mei second highest this month in OWL. Shouldnt be Genji and Tracer more viable than those?

At least go back to the “Jeff’s Pick” Hero pools, the sort of theme they always had were usually interesting even if they weren’t always popular.

Bold of you to assume that i think she should.

Yes, i absolutely think Genji and Tracer should be stronger than both Mei and Reaper at top level play.