The BP is going to be FUN!

I’m looking forward to the BP! :wink:

The current system (loot boxes) is so boring, I literally leave a stack on them unopened… :slightly_frowning_face:

I also play Hearthstone and they went to BP’s about a year ago and I like unlocking things as I play the game (like I usually would anyway). I actually have more gold in HS now they have the pass which is nice!

Hope we get some news soon on what it looks like and how the xp system will work with it. Also what rewards we can expect on the free/paid tracks!

What would you like to see in the Battlepass? :upside_down_face: :thinking:


they should combine the two

you buy a loot box, which when opened contains a battlepass, at the end of the bp is a lootbox, and you can pay 20 dollars to immediately unlock the final tier of the bp so you can unlock another bp, and there’s no content at ALL that’s it that’s the bp


I hope the battlepass contains a code for the secret battlepass that you have to trade NFTs to access, because that pass has the Hyperdeluxe rarity skin for Genji that shows his feet


i would like some fancy special skins players would littleraly pay for.

makes me think is the stuff besides heroes unlockable after the bp ends? like if they bundle voice lines and co.


I didn’t care about lootboxes in OW1 & I won’t care about the Battlepass in OW2.
They exist & stuff will automatically continue to unlock as I play.
For me, that stuff has always been extra bonus on the side, while playing the game for fun.

Except for Battlepass systems like in Destiny 2.
Because while it is mostly cosmetics, the fact that exotic armor & weapons are in there was just icing on top for me to feel annoyed in playing PvP in that game & stop playing it.

And while daily chores were always a core, fundamental feature since Destiny 1, the fact that they somehow managed to integrate the NPC exclusive chores with the BattlePass’s chores baffled me.

After Destiny 2 went F2P, it felt even more devoid of life, compared to how bare bones it felt at launch, for a PvE experience.

I just remembered that Destiny 2 was made while Bungie was still under Activision-Blizzard, specifically Activision’s leadership.
So, the terrible state & experience of Destiny 2 since launch makes sense to me, now.

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We have found an enlightened one that realizes the truth… :slight_smile: :heart_eyes:

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So like the Mythic Genji skin?

How it is fun to have battlepass? Usually i see quests on those and think of ways to lvl it up and avoid as much as possible of them…

Same! It’s crazy some ppl around here treat this as I’m a bad guy

I just like working daily on unlocking things and having something to do besides “get 9 arcade wins”

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A hundred tier battle pass where you unlock a different Genji toe every ten tiers. :star_struck:


Answered in my OP… :thinking:

Yep, the current system is beyond boring…I actually laugh how people complained it was ‘tough to complete’ weekly challenges and I’m like “I complete them without even trying via regular play…” :rofl:

Fingers (or toes) crossed… :pleading_face:


I dont see it as answer, since like i said my experience with battlepass is like “kill 20 of this type of enemy” or “play as this hero”, “heal that much in the single game”, “play in this mode”
I dont think those are fun, i dont know heartstone one, but i doubt you can do what ever you want and farm xp that way since it was always had quests even before bp as i remember and i had some never done…

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Yeah, do the same but on a role you don’t like playing.

Too many countries deem loot boxes as gambling and ban them. So it makes sense to just remove them entirely.

That’s fine but don’t ask rhetorical questions in a thread that the OP has already answered the question as it makes your rhetorical question redundant… :wink:

Additionally, the current OW1 system (win 9 games) is no better than what you describe and is only improved via a BP… :wink: :thinking: :upside_down_face:

Yes and i dont like it too… but its more free range play what ever you want at least. And its something that i dont have to risk match to get, like paladins did healing one and i would have to force prelong games to get it.
Also lootboxes dont lock content away forever… like play 27 games for skin, i mean i dont like that since you would drop it faster from lvls in lootbox after all as well

Having played Hearthstone’s BP as a F2P player (out for about a year now, another Blizz IP), I can say they handle BP’s well and actually benefit the casual player (I’ve made about 8k gold just playing Battlegrounds (which I would’ve done anyway) which means I can buy 80 x card packs or enter the Arena 53 times (assuming I don’t win a single game in it…)

The simple truth is, from my opinion as a F2P HS player, Blizz actually benefit casual players with BP’s… :wink:

You literally do with lootboxes. Only now you have a time constraint, are limited on only getting skins etc. for the heroes currently in the BP which with a roster this big means most of the skins you won’t care about and you have no way to get currency to get the skins you actually want. And you need to pay monthly for it

To be fair people probably wouldn’t leave loot unopened if they actually ADDED NEW STUFF INTO THEM.


I have pretty much every skin spray emote etc in the game & yes loot boxes for me a just coin generators.

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