The blizzard trans shirt has the word liar highlighted

2 people posted links in this thread check those out

“No mistakes, just Happy Accidents”

-Bob Ross


I did. I don’t know how else to keep explaining it, I see the picture, I see it linked to the gear store, but then it’s not showing up in the actual gear store.

I’m not denying it’s real! It is. What I am saying is, they may have posted it, and later went “oh wait holy crap the letters we made pink spells out ‘liar’ oh god, pull it off and redesign it” and that is why it’s not actually available in the store to purchase.

I saw that yesterday on Twitter. I just thought that it had to be intentional. There are so many ways to incorporate the flag colours that doesn’t look like that. lol


Its the pink it spells out liar

I actually checked, and yeah, that’s the only one missing from the collection. It’s not like it won’t go unnoticed if they bring it back with a different design. Unlucky.

Ah so it was up before. I wonder how long it took them to notice

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Change the word you used that is what males often call going to the toilet or getting drunk or the post will end up being deleted. Just saying

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hahaha so it was definitely on purpose

jinx out here laughing at blizzard
given the PvE news, this is actually pretty funny

remarket it as a “truth of blizzard” shirt and make a proper trans one

Good idea. Changed to peeved

It was a message from someone on the inside.


Pretty sure the shirt was fake.

#WhalesAhoy #NerfShopPrices #OptOutOfBackfill #Return2CP #FixMatchmaker #RememberOW1 #RememberWhatTheyTook #RememberPapaJeff

Seems like a (happy) coincidence the coloring on the letters is clearly supposed to emulate the trans pride flag which is blue pink and while stripes.

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They could have gone with just one white letter, and 2 blue at the end instead, it wouldnt have had this problem. I still have no idea if it was on purpose or not, the only thing im interested in lol

Schadenfreude is a German term that refers to the feeling of pleasure or satisfaction derived from the misfortune or suffering of others. It is a complex emotion that stems from a sense of superiority or vindication when witnessing someone else’s downfall or failure. However, it is generally considered an unkind and negative emotion, as it involves deriving joy from the suffering of others.

Transphobia is wrong because it perpetuates discrimination, prejudice, and harm towards transgender individuals. It is important to treat all individuals with respect, dignity, and equality, regardless of their gender identity. Here are a few reasons why transphobia is harmful and why it is important to overcome it:

  1. Human rights: Transgender individuals have the same human rights as anyone else. They deserve to live free from discrimination, violence, and prejudice. Upholding their rights and treating them with respect is essential for a fair and just society.

  2. Mental and emotional well-being: Transphobia can have severe negative effects on the mental and emotional well-being of transgender individuals. It contributes to higher rates of anxiety, depression, and suicidal ideation. Supporting and accepting transgender individuals can make a significant positive impact on their lives.

  3. Authenticity and self-expression: Each person has the right to express their gender identity authentically. Transphobia denies individuals the freedom to live as their true selves and can lead to feelings of isolation and rejection. Embracing diversity and promoting inclusivity allows everyone to express themselves genuinely.

To become a better person and challenge transphobia, it is important to:

  1. Educate oneself: Take the initiative to learn about gender identity, transgender experiences, and the challenges faced by transgender individuals. This knowledge will help you understand and empathize with their struggles.

  2. Challenge biases and assumptions: Reflect on your own beliefs and prejudices, and actively work towards challenging and dismantling them. Examine the stereotypes and misconceptions you may hold about transgender people and make an effort to replace them with understanding and acceptance.

  3. Promote inclusivity and support: Stand up against transphobia whenever you encounter it. Be an ally to transgender individuals by using correct pronouns, respecting their chosen names, and advocating for their rights and equality. Create an environment of inclusivity and support in your personal and social circles.

Remember, promoting equality and respect for all individuals, regardless of their gender identity, helps foster a more compassionate and inclusive society.

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I do love a good conspiracy theory :popcorn:

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Loving those happy little accidents.


Or I live my life and you live yours. I don’t need to throw away my beliefs to appease others.


Highly doubt it was on purpose. Those are the trans colors, right? Looks to me like they wanted to spread them out and didn’t realize what was seemingly highlighted.