The big thing that is coming this week

Maybe a hero rotation? I’m honestly struggling to think of systemic changes that influence meta and are reasonable to implement.

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Hero rotation looks like a pseudo hero ban so its not gonna happen.

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I know. I’m just trying to figure out what it could be. “Faster balance patches” cannot possibly be it, since they’ve promised that over and over. A new map type wouldn’t change meta so much. Most things wouldn’t completely change how the meta forms.

Are we sure we’re not just reading to much into things and there’s no significant systemic changes coming?

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If it managed to hype multiple streamers and even some pro players (who probably already know of this big thing coming) then its likely something important to the game. We have to wait tomorrow or thursday to see what it is.

Hitscan just did a video where they predicted that the system is merely a new plan for more frequent balance patches, which will go live more quickly. I wouldn’t complain about that either.

That would be massively disappointing. They promise faster balance patches every damn time. They do it a few in a row then just go back to their normal glacial pace (even slower lately as the content releases are being saved for OW2).

At this point the average trust on any “big thing” or “big update” in OW is on an all time low. We know that heroes and maps are not going to be released on the regular schedule so everything its going to feel like “meh”. Just like it happened with the lab.

The only thing that could really shock me in the good way would be Scoreboards.

No, I didn’t because at this point I could care less about hero additions when the game is terrible state.

I hope not. They’ve hyped up how much this big thing will change the game, and I don’t want that to be a single hero. The last time a single hero was touted to change the game, it was Brig and we remember release Brig. Yikes.

I don’t know what the change is, but now that Jeff has kind of rejected hero bans, I’m quite curious. Here’s hoping it’s something good.

If by “they” you mean streamers, well, they’d hype their grandmas gallbladder surgery. Haven’t seen the devs promote that sort of hype.

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Dafran wouldn’t have said map editor if that was the only thing being announced.

I’d laugh if it was a hero rotation system… yeah you didn’t want bans… so… guess what?

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The way emong puts it, makes it sound like something that specifically helps the pro scene and indicates a new direction for Blizzard, which new heroes tend not to do.

probably going to be a maintank role, would make sense for the mccree rate of fire nerf

Here’s some of my guesses just based on what I think would get pros more excited:

-Faster match times
-2CP rework
-Reworking how ultimates work
-Map vote
-Just faster balance changes, no actual systemic changes
-6 stack only competitive mode

I believe they are doing away with QP and merging all players into comp to help queue times.

My guess is either a new hero and/or map, that 1-3-2 thing they were talking about, or a massive balance patch they hid from us or something.

My guess is things that will speed up playtime:

Faster cap rates.
Faster moving payloads.
Shorter timers for check points. <- mostly this.
Shorter hero selection / map start timers.
Shorter respawn timers; maybe even wave spawning.

Shorter games > more people in queue pool > faster queues.

1-3-2 is unlikely at this juncture. It would require months worth of work from the team to rework every Tank appropriately for the role. They haven’t been working on that long enough. I wouldn’t be surprised if we got main/off roles though.


Id like faster caps and faster moving carts. Pisses me off waiting for ages for the cart to move along. Makes the game seem dated and Boring. Like i have 2 hours to play each day, i dont wanna wait for the payload to move for ages

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