The Baptiste Lie


Just because you don’t see it doesn’t mean it’s not out there.

Sure, I don’t think it’s a full on “DPS mains vs Support mains” war like you seem to think people are calling it, but there’s still plenty of people who have a problem with his current damage output.

People don’t have to make a thread to point out their opinions. If first-post threads were all you were looking for, then you’re missing all the actual debate and discord in the replies that follow, hence why you think not many people have a problem with him.

That could be because those three heroes have been around since launch, whereas Bap is one of the newest heroes, and the problem everyone seems to have with him is the buff he got only about a month ago.

Just saying. Could be a reason for the difference in quantity.

Point out a thread that shows discord and mass people disagreeing. This is the most tame “debate” I’ve ever seen on these forums.

The couple nerf threads I’ve seen has about as many people disagreeing as when someone claims pharamercy or Genji is OP. Yes you have the few that disagree, but there isn’t anywhere near the issue that you guys are claiming it is.

Or I’m going to start claiming that there are Pharamercy and Bastion witchhunts.

Yeah yeah, those pro players that just get killed by him just need to get good huh

I never said anything about a witch hunt. For as honestly stupid as that term is, this isn’t even close to the severity of that.

All I’m saying is that there are enough people disagreeing to warrent response threads, which OP seems to think isn’t the case just because he did 1 10 second search for a specific phrase that may or may not be in the actual post.

I can’t speak for pro’s, but in GM he has the 3rd fewest elims per game, followed only by Ana and Mercy.

This is also on top of some of the fewest final blows and lowest overall damage.

It’s certainly possible for a high level player to screw up and die to a hero that they’re not supposed to lol They aren’t infallible.

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I can agree that even just the video itself warrants at least the very least a response thread but there are more “pushback” threads than there even are complaints about Bap in the first place.

I want people to compare this to any other contentious characters. Mercy, Brig, Moira and tell me the level of back and forth and people having heated opinions is anywhere near the same. People are predicting that this will turn into those pasts ones but as of now it’s not even remotely close.

Friends, friends. All this arguing is POINTLESS! Let’s all settle down, take a moment to relax.

Now then, we can all agree that Overwatch is in one of the worst state’s it’s been in in quite some time, and really only continues to get worse.

Then we can also agree that Paladins is in the best spot it’s ever been in. Then we can simply agree to go play Paladins instead, yes?

At heart I consider myself a dps main. Though I usually play support in comp. I have no issue with Baptiste at all. Might be because I like playing him a lot.

I don’t know any of the maths behind his damage, but it doesn’t seem to be overbearing. Plus he has to aim.

In my defense, no I don’t think he’s fine. But I don’t think I’ve ever made judgements on balance based on others alone. Note, I said he was broke a full month ago.

I do think he needs a Nerf. But in the same way I think widow does.

Just because they aren’t easy for the masses doesn’t mean a hero should be so strong to compensate.

Thats just because its been heavy shield/double shield meta. The only people who should have even close to high damage are Reaper, Sigma and Moira, MAYBE Doomfist

So people calling him OP in those topics are to be ignored?

Lets look at all the stuff that is being said, but NOT IN THESE THREADS, because that would show the witchhunt.

The issue is, people are saying that a support shouldn’t be that strong, well…

I don’t know how else to tell you, but… you know, they are putting a witches hat on him.

And the supports have just come out of a bunch of other witch hunts, in which the witch was hunted, and then burnt, over streamers starting this mess.

When those people are majorly being disagreed with? I frankly think it’s pretty shortsighted to label any dissent as a “witchhunt” especially when it’s in an extreme minority.

If you have like 40 people(made up number) in a thread and only 5 or 6 people are calling for Baptiste nerfs then no that does not count as a witchhunt whatsoever.

The entire point is that you guys are greatly exaggerating and trying to label a small group as some huge wave of support for him to be nerfed. It’s just not true. There are far more people claiming baptiste is being witchhunted than there are even people “witchhunting” and with each successive topic of “Bap is being witchhunted!” you guys make your imaginative perceived enemy even larger.

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Give it a week.

This is how the whole Moira thing started.

Again if it actually happens I’ll agree, but you guys are claiming something that does not currently exist just because you think it will happen.

You are the witchhunt.

he has no headshot falloff damage.
hes not even close to perfect.

Wrong. I called out Baptiste for being the best hitscan right after his buff.
People want to nerf Baptiste because he straight up upgrades dps heroes.

I’m looking, and there is a fair few nerf baps threads. There are more anti witch-hunt threads, but that doesn’t mean the hunt isn’t starting.

Considering he isn’t the strongest support and the threads are there I’d say the witches hat is being put on him.

You watch, the moment he is meta it is going to go full out.

People hate immortality field, and will use the gun as an excuse.

We just had a support which was considered a joke before (to the point that they were looking to buff her) get nerfed hard.

The next support is being lined up.

Pales in comparison to the amount of threads that claim he is being witch hunted. Also most of those threads literally have like 0-5 likes. You can’t use a few people to try to prove a point when the overwhelming consensus is trending in the opposite direction.

I’m not saying that literally no one has asked for him to be nerfed. I’m saying the few people that have don’t equal up to the “THE SKY IS FALLING EVERYONE HATES BAP AND IS ASKING FOR HIM TO BE NERFED CONSPIRACY!!!111!!!”.

Some of you need help for your paranoia.

We just came out of a support being witch-hunted out.

And just because people are saying they are being witch hunted loudly, it doesn’t mean it isn’t true.

Given we just saw this happen the same way to Moira…

You know, the support they were looking at buffing before 2 shield meta, who has considered a joke pick.

Not only was the witch stuck on with a hat, but it was then burnt at the stake.

So if the support mains are trying to stop this down hard it be because they know where it is going.

I’m just supposed that Mei got through her brief brush with the meta intact. I was sure she was a gonner.

I think people are getting confused between people calling for Bapt nerfs and people just trying to prove power creep exists.

Heros like Solider have gone from being strong and well balanced to being very weak even though he’s gotten little changes. To the point were supports are able to do his job and so much more.