The Balanced Mei Nerf ❄

I’ve always liked this idea. It’s kinda silly how fat heroes can’t fit through a single pillar.

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Mei wall was never a problem, the cc and unavoidable, uncounterable ult (unless you have a great genji or sigma since is unviable) are.

You know who mei really sucks against? Pharah. And with 2-2-2 mei is soaking up a hitscan spot.

Pharah is trash unless you have Mercy to waste another teamslot in high tiers

I’m guessing you meant “doesn’t” . That’s why you’re supposed to go to them, it’s not “here you can escape”, it’s flooding through to support.

Nah her wall isn’t the issue. The issue all around (not just mei) is CC is still OP. CC is necessary but it needs to be nerfed across the board, because dive is complete trash right now and it has been for a long long time. A simple mei ammo reduction is the nerf she needs. Wrecking ball will never be viable if mei can just lock him down consistently. He’s such a bad tank in gm.

Mei cannot consistently lock down a good Wrecking Ball.

He isn’t a bad tank in GM because GM Wrecking Ball players are capable of playing around the Mei.


Yes she can. The moment she freezes WB she can freeze over and over and over again because his swing has a ramp up on speed so he can’t gain enough speed to ever escape. The only way for WB to get out of a mei lock down is by your team doing something about the mei or she has to reload.

This is the same excuse low IQ players made when launch brig was around. “Just avoid her derp derp”. There are objectives in this game. You cannot always avoid a hero. WB’s win rate in GM is 2nd lowest at 48.91%. I’m not saying Mei is the only reason WB sucks, I’m saying CC is still OP and dive is going always going to suck if we don’t start nerfing CC across the board.

We had dive meta, then brig came out and we had the complete opposite; death ball/anchor meta and things havent gotten any better for dive for 2 years now. How is what we have now any better than dive meta? It’s just the opposite side of a coin. I want to see this game in a place where both dive and non dive comps are equally viable.

A good WB won’t be frozen by a Mei consistently.

This is a myth, he can gain enough speed to escape Mei provided he grapples after a freeze, not once the slow% has stacked for some time.

It’s not about avoiding the hero, it’s above managing your cooldowns and being aware enough to get value out of their hero.

Brigitte instantly stunned you for a full second if you entered her range. Mei has a ramp up on her freeze which can easily be escape by a well used grapple. If the WB is using grapple to engage against a Mei or not playing around wall correctly then that’s their fault.

Prove it.

uses well used grapple


frozen again

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It obviously wasn’t well used if he got walled and frozen again.

You are the one making the claim that he cannot, burden of proof is on you.

Mei is annoying because of her CC.

Mei is strong because of her wall.


… Excuse me? THis is a Mei thread right?

A large portion of the cast can use one skill to just exit it.

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None of which are tanks. And when it’s set up, there is nothing you can do about it. And its radius is HUGE.

Reinhardt Charge.
Wrecking Ball Grapple.
D.Va Boosters.
Orisa Fortify.
Winston Leap.


someone listed it faster than I could. … What in the world are you talking about? I see you enjoy WB who is frustrating to play into Mei… but… seriously, Mei’s ult has been pretty lackluster for a long time.

EDIT: and zarya bubble. which can save OTHER people from it.

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well sure but it is not her wall that is the issue but her freezing.

Neither her freezing nor her wall is an issue.

Then what is?

Nothing in Mei’s kit. She’s balanced.