The balance problem with capture the flag

Something i’ve noticed with capture the flag is that they didn’t even balance it well with their rebalance from last year, before the changes it favored the defenders but now it favors the attackers, beyond that heroes with mobility aren’t good at capturing the flag and heroes with durability are now, it was the opposite before the changes, basically they traded imbalance for imbalance and didn’t improve the mode at all, i hope they have some actual improvements for it this year.

The problem with CTF is the mentality of the players. Too many players want to just sit on defense from the start of the game, which puts you at a disadvantage or forces a stalemate.

It was the same case in TF2, which is why you’d get endless CTF games and is why CTF was never run in competitive TF2. If TF2 players couldn’t figure out a proper way to play CTF competitively in over a decade of TF2, I don’t see it happening in Overwatch, either.

I experience the opposite lol, everyone wants to capture the flag and i’m the only one on defense, after that 4 enemies come in, i die and then the enemy captures our flag, this post is more about the balance and less about the players though.

Overwatch’s ctf maps are good, at least.
You’re right about how passive players are in the mode though; it’s got 2cp’s issues but worse.

Imo ctf would be better as a 10v10. As a 6v6 your kinda forced to either fully defend or attack. What I liked in tf2 was there was a group defending and a group attacking, and a few just running around randomly doing their own thing.