The Anger Around the PTR Mercy Buffs Explained

I find her more fun now that before with mass rez, especially when nano valk was a thing way back. It’s all opinions, just keep in mind there are people who do like Valk and do like her current state (Yes I think she still needs improvements).

go into more detail than that :stuck_out_tongue: it’s what we’re here for, after all.


I know a lot of people wont agree with me and that’s fine, but I would like to see her gun improved more during Valk (perhaps damage or fire rate) to make pulling out the pistol and going battle mercy more viable than the occasional finishing kill. This would make it more engaging and give her more options than just chain healing.

I’m also sort of in favor of giving her a second rez charge during Valk, although it would still have the cast time and would go away at the end of the ability. If she wanted to rez 2 people she would have to do it separately. This would give her more things to multitask and decide during the ult.

These changes combined would make it more engaging and make her have more of the battle angel feel and give her more instances where she can swoop in and dave the day. That combined with her ptr buff would make it a strong and useful ability.


I agree with you on having a second charge on Resurrect during her ultimate would make her more engaging than just having this ability on a 30 second timer.

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she already had that, and they felt it was too fun so they had to chop it, oh, but they made sure to hang onto her self stun, cant let them get TOO carried away and actually enjoy the hero.


You’re the expert on delusion!

Coming from you, I’m flattered. :blush:

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seems like you are.

  1. an idiosyncratic belief or impression maintained despite being contradicted by reality or rational argument, typically as a symptom of mental disorder.

pre-valkyrie mercy was garbage tier untill she got I-frames on her ultiamte. it’s been proven time and time again aswell that the best way to play mercy was to tempo res. but sure, hide and res is the only way to play her…

what’s more, i bet your definition of hide and res is taking cover around a corner. for anyone else that’s “strategic” and a “smart play” but if it’s mercy, staying a live to she can use her ult/finding a better position it’s immediately dubbed “hide and res” and has a stigma.

but when reaper, mcree, pharah, junkrat etc etc. go to hide/flank to pull off their ults properly, and i mean hide for half minute intervals, or spend a similar amount of time sneaking around, it’s OK.

love that double standard.



Have you read the variety of posts that exist?

Pre-rezzes, invulnerability providers, etc.
We have made every suggestion you could imagine, from new things, balancing old things or even attempting to balance the hot pile of boring garbage we have now so it can be fun as well.

We want fun and engaging. Not the exact opposite.

So yeah, if our character remains mostly boring with abilities (E Rez and Valk) that undermine player skill that can be shown through her base kit, then yeah people are going to complain.

Alternatively, if you guys could at least take our side on the matter of having a character be fun for their players and being balanced for everyone else, then maybe we wouldn’t be stuck here.

Like, we don’t want the characters you play to be unfun.
I don’t want Soldier’s ult changed because it is auto-aim because I believe he has to work hard enough on his base kit (even though it is simple enough and reminiscent of your usual FPS). I don’t want Ana to be unfun by having her heal less or do less damage, it is part of who she is. I don’t want any hero to be unfun for their players, no matter their skill levels and how frustrating dealing with that character might be. That is something as a player that I have to overcome, even if they are in an OP state and need changes, I don’t want the hero gutted and unfun for it’s players.
Yet, Mercy gets the short end of the stick when it comes to that. There are so many people gunning for her and her players, many of which don’t want anyone else’s heroes gutted and just want their own character to be fun and balanced. Many don’t mind going back to our little F-Tier corner where Mass Rez Mercy (without invulnerability) was. I mean, it is easier to advocate for something that didn’t dominate the game and let them have their fun and that they have had before and request changes to make it even less powerful, then it is to suggest new ideas that we cannot test because the PTR never listens to the fans and allows us to test anything, which is why custom games that we can access old and new varieties of things would be great, so we can really test out things before suggesting them, but hey. It’s whatever.


Well said.

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dude i just showed you how youre the minority, as far as evident numbers go.

im sure you can follow up with a logical conclusion, or does your passive aggressive movement not allow you to?

Before the invulnerability buff, Rez felt like a suicide button for the Mercy. Mercy players complained about it, and it was bad design. Blizzard obviously agreed and made the change.

People suggested just a LoS nerf before Valk was announced. A lot of those suggestions were downvoted and complained that it would make it useless. Mass res is too hard to balance, so it had to go.

With how you’re arguing, proving that we’re the minority, if I were to do what you did with those who dislike Mercy’s current state, you’re even more of a minority then us. :blush:

There really is nothing logical whilst proving something to be the minority whilst also proving yourself to be the minority. :slight_smile:

Quote where I was being passive aggressive please. :blush:

𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓜𝓮𝓻𝓬𝔂 𝓘𝓬𝓮 𝓒𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓶 𝓜𝓸𝓿𝓮𝓶𝓮𝓷𝓽


Spreading positivity and ice cream, one Mercy at a time.

these emojis alone are the epitome of passive aggression.

besides that,

  1. people who are fine with mercys state simply dont make tons of posts about her since why would they?
    when youre fine with something, why would you go out of your way to talk about it? why would you partake in a poll that asks “are you unhappy with mercy?” when youre not unhappy? youd just shrug and ignore it. because you dont care.
    also, do you not see all these replies of people saying “stop it, we dont need to change her, she is fine”? for every “mercy is dead” topic, there are a virtually infinite amount of people saying “no shes not, calm down”

  2. this forum is a horrible echo chamber/circle jerk, in this case for mercy complaints. just because a handful of people here repeat and parrot the same stuff over and over, you feel like there are an awful lot of people unhappy with her. but in reality, there doesnt seem to be.

you people have a mob mentality (wonderfully illustrated through your “movement” thing), you feel empowered by following loud mobs that complain about something over and over. i used to fall for it, months ago. i used to be angry and unhappy with mercy.
until i realized:
wait a moment, is that really my own opinion? or do i just repeat it because i see it on the forum so much? and it was the latter.

again, a post here that has 1500 likes is seen as something big. but in reality, its not.
even if half of the 40 million players are smurfs (which i doubt), that would make 20 million. even if lets say 1/3 of them dont play anymore, that wuold make about 13 million. lets say there are 13 million people playing this game.
1.500/13.000.000 = ~0,00012 or 0,012% of players.
who liked that post for SOME reason. doesnt even mean they agree with everything in it. i think even i had liked it when i first saw it cus it was so elaborate.
you guys are just really loud and repeat each other, pat each other on the back, and flood the forum with posts.

that doesnt make you the majority, neither does it make you right.

you demand changes, on the basis that you are “the majority” of players. yet, you havent even proved that premise. until youve proven that the actual majority of players wants these changes, you cant expect anyone to take it seriously.
meanwhile, you continue to spam every day about it. which just fuels other people’s negative emotions towards your (maybe noble) cause. i dont doubt that you genuinely want to improve the game.

but you have to realise that what youre doing to this forum is totally toxic.

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Apologies. I didn’t think people were going to start judging the emojis you use. :man_shrugging:

Same reason why people who are fine with Mercy’s state make posts saying Mercy is fine. Also, I rather not disregard a large group of player’s fun over the other, even if it is the minority because it’s still going to be a large number of unsatisfied players.

Are you talking about Slyther’s survey? Because he asks for the opinion of everyone. And again, same reason for people who find her fun to make posts; claiming that she’s fine.

Oh please, this is the best we’ve got. The next thing after the forums is reddit and there, there are even more hiveminds and echo-chambers. Also, literal subreddits labeled as “C1rcle Jer.ks”.

I respect your opinion but will have to disagree here. People will agree with something if they agree if something. If you don’t like the fact that people like one thing over another, question that and don’t jump to conclusions like, “hive-minds” and “echo-chambers”. Many non-Mercy players are also unhappy with her state.

I’m using the stuff here as a sample size. Besides, Blizzard have made changes before because of the online community. Even they don’t care who the majority is. Otherwise, they would never have made changes based on fun or unfun since you can’t possibly measure than in-game other than listening in on 40 million player’s voice chat and text chat and even then, they can’t account for those who just don’t speak at all in-game.

I’m sorry but our movement is to help decrease toxicity and is to ask for in-game cosmetics. What part of that is “emotional” and not “rational and basis”? You may need to look up what mob mentality means. :blush:

This now tells me that you’re using ignorance as an argument. Our movement isn’t to complain about things. If you did your research, you’d know that. Oh well. :blush:

And think to yourself, should you be making such assertions based on just your personal experiences?

And again, you ended up proving that you’re a minority too and it doesn’t matter if you’re a minority or not. At the end of the day, Blizzard have and will most likely continue making changes based on the online community and what they think. This is because of the true reality that even Blizzard can’t find out the opinions of 40 million players without literally spying on them and it still wouldn’t be perfect since there are a bunch of other variables you have to consider.

The main consesus of his post is that Mercy’s state is not fine. It’s in the title. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Again, making conclusions based of your experiences is not efficient or ideal.

I don’t think you can re-like something. :blush:

If we were to use that as a sample size and compare it to I don’t know, ten posts that claim that she is fine, Titanium’s thread would still win and therefore, the majority, with that in mind, would be those who dislike her current state. And again, it doesn’t matter who the majority or minority is. Blizzard can’t find it. Neither can we other than making educated guesses. The only reasonable thing to do now is see the online community’s opinion. With that in mind, we know that a large number of players are unhappy with her state. Majority or not, that would need to be addressed.

On the contrary, you were the one claiming that we’re the minority and you’re the majority when even you can’t prove that yourself without contradicting yourself.

And if you can’t prove that we’re the minority, I don’t expect anyone, including me, to take you seriously. :confused:

When did I spam? When did anyone else that is unhappy with her state for that matter? Wait a go, generalising all of us like that. :confused: Also, this claim is almost dubious at best because when asked for examples of “spam”, most of the time, it isn’t even spam. Also, why the devs don’t do anything about the “spam”. :blush:

I’m sorry. If you could quote me because toxic and spammy, that would be helpful! :blush:

𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓜𝓮𝓻𝓬𝔂 𝓘𝓬𝓮 𝓒𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓶 𝓜𝓸𝓿𝓮𝓶𝓮𝓷𝓽


Spreading positivity and ice cream, one Mercy at a time.

ROFL… Soooo true.

you mean its not spam when literally every page of the forum has tons of posts about “mercy mains are so unhappy :((((((”
where they repeat the same subjective argument of “unfun”?
you think its not spam when almost every post derails into a mercy thread at some point?

i dont even oppose your cause! if they changed mercy to be balanced, but more “engaging” whatever that means, then go ahead, why not?

i cant wrap my head around the logic of people whove had their main be super OP for ages, had tons of attention balance wise, yet still daily post things about how “they get no attention and are ignored totally!”

and yes i understand what you mean by “it doesnt matter if were the majority, were still alot of players” but your (speaking of the whole bunch) only request is to make her “more fun” which is SO subjective. and the changes you want, could make her less fun for others.

do you even consider that?

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Spam, in regards to Blizzard’s CoC, is when the same person makes the same post over and over again. Weird, you left that out. :blush:

Blizzard have made changes before regarding fun and unfun so the reasonable conclusion is that Blizzard don’t care about subjectiveness. :slight_smile:

That’s called brigading and again, stuff like this gets claimed but almost never happens. Even if it did, it’s not spam since it’s multiple players that don’t know each other, posting about Mercy. Keep in mind that I’m not saying that it’s not bad. It’s definitely a bad thing to do. It’s just that claims like these almost never get backed up with prove. It is just a stereotype. :man_shrugging:

Yes! A fun and balanced Mercy is what we want. :blush: That’s why we want another rework, mass Res or not. Reworked Mercy has shown that this version of Mercy makes fun and balance mutually exclusive.

To summarise it, our main concern has always been fun. Not balance. Blizzard has never addressed that since the rework. That’s mostly where the “Blizzard is ignoring us” is coming from.

Fortunately, objective fun exists which is the basis of almost all games and Blizzard can’t just leave a large number of players unhappy. That, in my opinion, is bad business practice. Also, again, Blizzard have made changes before regarding fun and unfun. It looks like even they haven’t considered your question and it doesn’t look like they’re going too. :confused:

𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓜𝓮𝓻𝓬𝔂 𝓘𝓬𝓮 𝓒𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓶 𝓜𝓸𝓿𝓮𝓶𝓮𝓷𝓽


Spreading positivity and ice cream, one Mercy at a time.

are you really that dense or just pretending? because i dont care about what blizzard forum guidelines call spam, it is still spam. in the colloquial sense. and in the practical sense.
also, this brigading as you call it happens, SO many times. there are tons of posts every day where it happens.
its not a stereotype, and if you spend time on this forum you know it. everybody knows it. and dont come at me with “prove it” because…i could. but i dont need to.

and again, the changes that you deem “more fun” could be “less fun” for others. does that bother you at all? no?
please answer this one simple question.

How exactly if I reference Blizzard’s CoC? :neutral_face:

Well, you see, once you enter Blizzard’s forums, spam becomes something else; something in their CoC. It would be illogical to use outside definitions when Blizzard has their own definition that they use, therefore, labeling it as spam in the forums is misleading since outside definitions don’t match Blizzard’s definition. Hope you can understand. :blush:

I’m being logical and using Blizzard’s definition. Otherwise, I risk being misleading which is unfair for certain players.

Ok, I’ll give you a chance. I’ll believe you if you can find 10 examples of brigading from this week alone since you did say that it happens “SO many times”. :blush:

Until you prove it otherwise, well… :man_shrugging:

You could and you should. Otherwise, it’s an assertion with no evidence to prove it as truthful. :slight_smile:

Personally, it would bother me but again, objective fun exists in videogames. Logically and speaking like I’m an employee for Blizzard, it wouldn’t bother me because as a game developer, you are still going to have to address the concerns from a large number of players. Also, again, Blizzard have made changes based on fun and unfun and your question can be applied to them. It’s clear that they don’t care or are not bothered by it. :slight_smile:

𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓜𝓮𝓻𝓬𝔂 𝓘𝓬𝓮 𝓒𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓶 𝓜𝓸𝓿𝓮𝓶𝓮𝓷𝓽


Spreading positivity and ice cream, one Mercy at a time.