The amount of CC in this game is absurd

Oh you play hots, huh? i did as well…

but you know, theres like 2sec long stuns or even more in that game xD

and theres just so many more stuns… damn, devs really like stuns do they

All tanks need a CC resist passive.
Something like CC being 2/3 or 1/2 the time for them.


Hammond is just terrible to play as, constantly stunned and blown up.

Tanks in general are just not fun to play as now.


Like Zarya? Admittedly, we could use more.

I swore to myself that I would never play Rein again. Last time I played I got so tilted and I don’t want that anymore.

The game was supposed to be fun, and I always had fun playing all tanks, but right now it’s so annoying.
I know I could play brigitte or doomfist, but I just don’t have fun playing with heroes that abuses of CC. I feel like I’m ruining the game of another


really? I don’t have a problem as rein very often with cc. at least not in most of the games I play him. i love smashing brigs in the face with my hammer. i lose so rarely to her it’s funny

I went there to get the Genji skin, and got stuck…

The pace of that game is totally different to allow stuns’ existence, the time to kill is much longer.
And stuns are usually skill shots, whereas all heroes have at least 1 no aim way to deal damage. In OW stuns are easy, and regular shooting is hard.

I mean that game has awful mechanics too, but they got stuns better.


Yep, i agree. (expect with awful mechanics?)
I just don’t play it anymore, its just… uh i dont like how so many weird characters from other Blizzard titles are just thrown into one place. Its weird.

I did like the game a lot, but dunno if i like it anymore. If they release rein or zen to that game, ill visit it then.

I don’t know any of them anyway. :woman_shrugging:


I know it’s an unpopular opinion, but I LIKED dive. I liked the mobility and the level of coordination it took. I like playing flankers and dive tanks. Did dive need more counters? Considering how powerful it was yes it did, having a reasonable amount CC is fine. But this game is completely over saturated with CC to the point where games just feel stressful. I would take dive over stun meta any day.
It also makes me wonder what Blizz can do to fix this if they do anything at all? Revert some buffs? Increase the cooldown of more stuns? glares at shield bash Ugh. I’m just glad there are a lot of people who feel the same way.


More CC ofcourse!! Just like how they ruined World of Warcraft!!

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Since launch we’ve gotten two more stuns (rocket punch and shield bash
), one non-stun incapacitating CC (sleep dart), and six displacing attacks (seismic slam, rising uppercut, halt, whip shot, piledriver, roll), along with one mild displacing ult (meteor strike). We also saw the addition of the only two, or technically 3, anti-CC attacks (fortify, and the retrofitting of both of Zarya’s existing barriers).

At launch we had two stuns (flashbang and chain hook, which also displaces), one incapacitating and displacement move (charge), 10 normal displacing moves (helix rocket, pharah’s regular attack, concussion blast, shockwave, winston’s landing, junkrat’s bombs, concussion mine, Reinhardt’s regular attack, D.Va’s boosters, Zarya’s alt-fire), one incapacitating attack (mei freeze, which also slows), one pure slow (sentry turret), one mild displacing ults (configuration: tank), two incapacitating ults (earthshatter, blizzard), and 3 large-scale displacement ults (whole hog, primal rage, graviton surge).

I’m unsure where rip-tire and pulse bomb fit in there (I think they’re very light on knockback), but it doesn’t really matter at this point. The point is that tons of CC is hardly new to Overwatch, and in fact the most CC-heavy new additions are really just comparable to the old mainstays like Reinhardt and Pharah.

And finally, Reinhardt players complaining about CC is ironic at every level. How does it feel to get a taste of your own medicine? Bitter?

Next Hero should be someone who has the ability to make Teammates stun resistant for a short Time. I think it could solve the problem.

Yes, absurdly low !

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I had a game last night where against a Doomfist, Junkrat and Lucio I spent more time in the air than on the ground. If they want to make up for nerfing Zarya’s graviton instead of just giving her more firepower, maybe make her barriers actually stop knock-backs instead of just the damage. She could then help other tanks stay grounded rather than feeling like a pinball.

Add Hammond to that and that’s been a lot of my games lately. Honestly Hammond and Doom together is a nightmare.

It’s like Blizzard was thinking:

“Hey you know Doomfists slam? Let’s put that cc on a tank and give it an enormous hitbox with a vertical height that rivals Mei’s blizzard. It certainly will be loved by the players of our game that are not fed up with CCs.”

I don’t have a problem with their abilities, I just wish there where more ways to counter play it. Even as Orisa with Fortify you know you’re just gonna get whacked again 4 seconds later.

Besides CC, damage have rised considerably. Torb instantly melts Rein in overload. Just deleted the game because I noticed that even rounds where my team wins aren’t enjoyable anymore playing any character, and Rein, my favorite, is practically unplayable. It just plain frustration after every match and I am literally burning my time hoping to get great emotions as it was before.
I really wish to hear what are Blizzard plans about overwhelming CCs and Rein, at least just some info, so I at least have hope that they are going to do something.

That’s just Blizzard’s approach to PvP in general: cc your enemies to death. The cc chain and rates in WoW’s PvP is insane and now, so is Overwatch. It really takes away from the fun of the game, especially in such a fast-paced game full of burst damage like Overwatch. Ccing your enemies should be a reward in Overwatch, not a given especially with such generous hitboxes on so many of them.

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Blizz should stick to making cinematic intro’s and movies. Once the game goes live their devs will find ways to go full Rtard and create a downfall just like WoW Cataclysm. That was horrendous…

Let’s hope Blizz doen’t become a second Bungie… and hopefully Blizz has the balls to stand up against Activision to invest in better quality games.