The #1 Junkrat on PS4 Is Now Top 10 on PC

One trick Junk to top 500 and come back next Sunday. If you can’t do it, I don’t want to hear anything from you about him being a skillless character in a hitscan meta.


We still don’t have a chat feature.

I don’t have a T500 mindset, play schedule, or game-sense.
Your logic is flawed, I never said ANYONE CAN HIT GM WITH JUNKRAT, re-read what I said.

I said someone with GM game-sense and a GM mindset, on JR, will find that their rank translates over pretty easily. It will not for every hero, no matter which way you go pc to console, or console to pc. JR is just not that difficult for it to be a hindrance for a player when transferring between devices. It’s actually even easier and less surprising for him to do what he did, because of it being JR(lol) if his mind/game-sense is on point.


Which actually makes it more impressive. Junkrat has some pretty drastic weaknesses. You just don’t see people exploiting them until you start to climb. That is why he drops off in play as you climb. Example: Gold 2.47%, Plat 1.37%, Diamond 0.69%, etc. Getting to GM on Junkrat is actually more impressive than a lot of heroes.

Than you don’t understand him. You have have angles and timing (both in shots and movement) really good to hit those levels on him.


less* not more
I know JR mains will get mad but truth is the truth, dude’s not hard in comparison to other heroes. Playing an off meta champ and making it work doesn’t = god player, it = stubborn driven one-trick player. lol
A lot of ppl do that in various games, js.


Who’s that? I only know CODCODE904TTV, ILOVECODCODE904, CODCODE904SDOG, NOTCODCODE904, CODCODE904TV, and others.


With the greatest of ease… Did you watch Smug too? LOL

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Idk what people think PC and Console are different. They are the same game the only differences is that PC has a bigger audience. When I transferred from PS4 to PC the game was way easier because I could actually aim, game sense and mechanics transferred over. PC is way overrated for OW


Wow thats some impressive, even if has more or less “mechanics”, imagine that in high rank players explodes all JR weaknesses

edit: he reached TOP 500 btw, grats


What she doesn’t understand is playing against double hitscan takes away so many sightlines Junkrat would have otherwise AND he needs to hit skill shots on hitscan, especially if they’re Mercy pocketed. It’s not JUST game sense and blind firing.


He’s harder to play at higher levels than most dps especially him being so weak to hitscan or him not being optimal on a ton of maps. I wouldn’t be surprised if an Ashe or Widow main made it to GM but I know of very few Junk mains in GM.


You have very little play time on Junkrat. You clearly don’t know that once you start getting into Diamond and higher with him he becomes pretty hard to play.


Congratulations to him!
I have no doubts that high ranked console players can get to a high rank on PC as well! A friend of mine who mained tank in master on console got to master almost immediately once he started playing on PC.

To flip the coin a bit though I have seen console players who claim to have been gm on it to then be hardstuck in plat on PC. One might then conclude that it is more likely they lied about their console rank, and it in fact being much lower than they said it was.

Therefor I respect anyone who is able to get a high rank so quickly when entering a new platform of the same game. I think there are differences, and going from using one type of controller to another such as mouse and keyboard is hard! kudos to him!

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People insisting that console is no different from PC while at the same time always complaining about how unfair of an advantage it is to play with KB/M on console



It is pretty different from PC yes. It is a lot easier to look around you with a mouse and control the camera with a mouse. Therefor in a way it is more challenging to play with a console rather than mouse.

Having been a console player and now pc gamer (never played overwatch on console though) I can see why it is seen as unfair to use keyboard and mouse on such.

People like to assume that console players are less skilled at the game and that a rank there does not matter as much as PC. I’d argue that there are certain differences, but that a person who plays a char that does not focus too much on aim. One should be able to easily get to GM whether on PC if one comes from console. Same goes for someone coming from PC to Console.

I’m glad you caught the reference, lol.

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Look up Leveluplifting, he did it with Genji if you need a “skill” based hero

Good argument. Crossplay when?


found a gm console player high to mid plat on pc

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This is obviously the case for high ranking players cause their game sense and knowledge easily translates over, especially on a hero such as Junkrat where there isn’t really a learning curve for mouse and keyboard. I don’t think this is a general rule of thumb, but most PC/console players I know are 2 ranks lower on PC.