The “least impactful” role

The problem with your arguments are you always look at things in 1v1 types of scenarios that are obviously one sided as if widow and rein didn’t have teammates…widow can kill one or 2 of rein’s teammates and it’s gg for rein. His team just lost point. I can do the same as an example; gm Sombra vs bronze Doomfist

Also what kind of tracer puts pulse bomb on a tank? Pulse bomb and Self Destruct are terrible ults to compare because tracer can use hers to stick a support or dps and get value very easily because there’s not much warning and she can blink around to stick someone with precision while self destruct is very easy to hide from and you just throw it in…sometimes it’s used just to get dva back in her mech because it’s not a good ult

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You just answered your question, they can do more while DPS only does one thing which is deal damage.

Actually I said this

Supports and tanks do more things, but they don’t do as well what really matters…kill the enemy contesting the objective

You can’t kill anything when your tanks and supports are bad. Also saying this as a tank main with DPS as my secondary role.

I’d argue your dps not getting any kills is just as noticeable

DPS having low impact really start to be noticeable the higher rank you go, and all the major metas like Double shield, double bubble or even rush are all dictated by tanks and supports. Goats is the biggest example of that.

Lol, not a great comparison. Try “Pulse Bomb on a Tank, or landing Earthshatter on a tank?”

Since Earthshatter a) kinda sucks unless you hit 3+ targets AND your team follows up, and b) is super dependent on Rein having one or both of his cooldowns up, while Pulse Bomb requires Tracer to… hold primary fire in the general direction of the tank to finish the kill? It’s fairly obvious which one gets more value in a subpar scenario.

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Its funny to me that dps is called least impactful role, when dps have heroes made to kill tanks or supports especially, what means they are there to kill the “more impactful” heroes.
Yea fights can feel like without dps tanks + supports are doing more, but this is not either role being stronger, its synergy of two roles. Once its broken, each have less impact, and dps have advantage as their are countering them. And its not like dps and supports cant work together and also become a lot more impactful in the match.

Tracer needs 1260 points to charge Pulse Bomb. needs 1540 point to charge Self-Destruct.

So for 1260 points, you can guarantee one kill of a non-tank target. For just under 300 points more, you can potentially kill the entire enemy team.

Which one has the bigger impact for its cost? Which one constitutes the least risk?

So in a team situation, utilizing teamwork, Reinhardt will utilize his barrier as will his co-tank should they have one. If they don’t they will utilize their abilities to protect them from Widowmaker, or dive into her and prevent her from acting against their team. Widowmaker may obviously get some assistance and coverage from her team as well, but ultimately, in this case, Widowmaker isn’t worth much because she’s already being countered by Reinhardt or other tanks with strong defenses.

There is a reason why Widowmaker hasn’t moved up in pick rates in the metagame. Though she may see more popularity than others in the Damage-role, she is not being picked for obvious reasons.

Pulse Bomb is substantially more risky and it won’t kill a Tank. Earthshatter is less risky, but also more easily defended against. In the case of Earthshatter on a single tank, Reinhardt is more capable killing that Tank afterwards with Firestrike and Charge.

Tracer isn’t quite likely to succeed in this situation. For one thing, what if said Tank was Roadhog? Obviously Earthshatter will disable Roadhog long enough for Reinhardt apply extra damage on him. But for Tracer, placing a Pulse Bomb on his is likely to be negated via TAB.

Let’s say we put Reaper and Reinhardt in a similar situation and they press Q at the same time, which has greater impact? Or heck, do Hanzo and Reinhardt, or even Junkrat and Reinhardt. Which one has greater impact?

(Really, I’m just waiting for the smart response of Barrage vs. Earthshatter. But since no one ever counters with that… que sera sera).

Most DPS characters often need their Tanks to make space for them and their Supports to heal them to have the most impact, whereas Tanks just need their Supports to provide them with heals to do their job, while Supports just need help when they’re under attack which can be either from Tanks or DPS, essentially Tanks and Supports only need each other, but DPS need both, a good way to see this in practice is to basically spend an entire season playing solely McCree because he is super reliant on team support

The exception is Tracer because she has high mobility that she can rely on health packs and move past enemy lines, this is a big reason to why she’s played so much in high level gameplay, Sombra also has this strength too but is foreshadowed by heavy reliance on her hacking tools, which is why she is played heaps in OWL, but not so much in GM

And honestly if you’re adamant that DPS is the carry role, I suggest spending a decent amount of time in Mystery Heroes, because honestly the team that does get Tanks and Support characters tends to be at a big advantage

Ah cool so we’re arbitrarily limiting definitions to prove a point.

The wisdom of the Bodhisattva is that the least impactful role is my team. The most impactful is the opposing team. This is a scientific fact governed through spiritual enlightenment. Everyone else’s opinion is totes wrong.

Tanks and support are most impactful.

As a DPS player no other role forces me to change my tacts (or hero) as much as the tanks on the other team, to some degree the same with their support. I dont care much about what DPS are on the other team or how they play.

DPS have the most visible role (like strikers in soccer) but in general I feel tanks and support have most impact in this game.

Jesse what the hell are you talking about?

Well yeah, cuz tanks are all tracking, non burst heroes. You generally get solo kills by either tanking a 1v1 in Narnia or one/two-tapping people. Otherwise one 76 bullet or whatever might sneak in there before you kill someone.

Frankly, it doesn’t matter what role is the most impactful. It matters which one is the most fun. If DPS was really that bad, it wouldn’t have the longest queue times.

Whatever it takes to attract people to the least populated roles is what is necessary for the game to keep going. And I’m sorry if some people don’t want tank to be fun for tank players, but you need more tank players. And I have a strong feeling that in OW2, you’ll start to have that problem with support players too.

We don’t need to “fix” DPS because they already flock to that role. We need to fix the roles that people have abandoned. Everything else is just a distraction.