...That damned Reaper mythic

Ramattra got robbed, but this is cap. That Reaper mythic is probably the best DPS mythic. Still, should have been Ram’s but it’s not ugly.

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Nah they ripped off an Anubis skin from smite. It’s just the base skin of that hero low effort trash results.

I’ve never played Smite so I can’t speak to this. But I still think that the skin is fire even if it’s a copy cat.

I mean to each their own but all blizzard is is a rip off artist now.

That’s just what Anubis looks like though?
Jackal dog with headdress and usually with just waist clothing

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There are a couple of routes in design they could have taken.

They could have mixed parts of reapers costume with Anubis.

They could have worked the design into the OW style. It instead looks to harsh in line weight to the current style in the game.

They could have worked with either of these but they just took a lazy way out.

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Big agree there. Trenchcoat easily could have been some cool flowy desert attire (dune vibes)

I think it matches the art style though. Look at Zen’s Ra skin.
Only thing that sticks out to me is how Anubis looks Robotic…? So like Reaper’s supposed to be the Anubis AI from lore I guess?

I think it’s an amazing skin, just odd Reaper got it.


I just have way higher expectations for Blizzs art team to put their own unique spin on something. But I guess that department is starting to slip too.

Definitely has, it’s no Cyber Genji for sure but at least it’s not like Orisas

Gengi was made when they were trying to capture the playerbase again with fresh designs. Now they are just perusing google images and using AI to make stuff.

idk about using AI but they have for sure gotten lazier.

that said, skin still goes very hard cuz Reaper just always has good designs

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To each their own. I would hope people like it if they are paying for it.

As a Support main, I’m mad for the Ram mains who got robbed for real. They literally made the connection of ‘Egyptian God of Death? LET’S GIVE IT TO THE GUY TOTING HIMSELF AS DEATH ITSELF!’

You know, at least the other Mythics made sense, even Vengeance makes sense simply because it’s a ‘what if’ scenario. But this Mythic was basically hanging by a thread on possibility. It would make more sense to give Reaper a ballerina or Tooth Fairy skin because he has about as much in common.

The skin isn’t terrible, but it definitely should have gone to Ramattra, since Ramattra is basically playing God as far as the PvE story that was discontinued is concerned.

If Reaper had to get any Mythic skin, it should have been a Malthael like skin. Angel of Death.

You could argue Venture and Pharah were robbed too. Venture is a literal archaeologist and Pharah is a literal Egyptian, an ancient Egyptian skin would have worked for both of them.

Reaper was robbed from old man OW leader redeemed Reyes skin too because edgy mercedes skin.

On a side note, can we walk about how mythics went from having different customizable levels to essentially one level where the previous levels are just downgraded versions. I feel like this started with the Tracer mythic. Instead of having multiple outfit choices like with Genji’s, Kiriko’s, Moira’s, Sigma’s etc, we basically just get 1 final form while the others are just levels that build up to the final skin.

Like there’s literally no reason to equip anything other than the final level for Reaper, besides maybe his mask which imo the first one looks the best.

Let Reaper have his time to shine.

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Lvl 1 armor has no tail. It also has no shiny/glinty armor or effects to it, making him the teensiest bit harder to see on night maps.

But yeah, fair point. At least Reap’s mythic has more options than Hanzo’s. That one is the worst of them all when it comes to customizing, its not even close.