Thanks for the Sym Buff But

The Sym buff really helps her in a lot of interactions that she didn’t have a great chance of winning (Moira, Genji). I’ve noticed that I die slightly less but still die alot. Can we please look into giving Sym the HP needed for a close combat hero? Or a reliable form of escape in a fast and fluid teleporter please?

I think that Sym should be similar to Reaper in that at close range, with her beam charged, she should be scary and win most fights in that range but be weak to damage that comes from outside of her close range (Widow, Ashe, Hanzo). Currently, she’s weak to everyone at level 1 charge (baby D.Va, Lucio, Battle Mercy Moira–heroes she shouldn’t be weak to with or without charge).


Also. Guys. Could you stop, you know…
Ignoring her tickrate.


THAT part. Forgot to mention that post-buff I used my beam on for right under a second before I got killed. Checked my stats (the game had just started) and my damage done was 12!!! TWELVE!

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It should be 120 from the start and ramp to 180

this should be expected, if they want a ramp mechanic, it needs to ramp, she needs to be a force to be reckoned with if the enemy doesn’t deal with her, but until then, she needs to be manageable

it’s just… once she gets there… she just… dies…
i don’t personally believe they went in the right direction with the charge time reduction with this recent “buff”

9/10 second biggest problem right now

halved damage on something that already starts at barely anything is… still nothing

i slightly disagree
120 is a huge burst potential to start with
if they want to go the ramp direction, they need to accommodate other things for that, like her self sustain

Linear ramp would feel more rewarding to be honest if it’s going to start at 60 let it get hotter than Hell.

i was kind of hoping they actually just made it at 200 at full and kept the charge time, if they were doing anything to the primary at all

i still think they should have looked at her before her gun, however

(minus the tickrate, pathetic excuse for a bandaid fix)

Fixing the tickrate would be a stealth buff that would go a long way.

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I honestly miss the mobile shield she had. I would happily trade the teleporter for it.

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90 dps at full charge on a tank busting weapon is literally the biggest joke ever from anyone who attempts to design a tank buster, if you’re going for a “reloads on barrier” mechanic… obviously a tank buster
it was to fix the 700dps exploit, but it’s still a joke that it isn’t fixed STILL

realistically, it was bad
it was only good for her because she never knew any better
having that barrier just flash a bit of usefulness for a second isn’t enough, it was bad on its own

The ‘buff’ won’t fix the constant slurs people call her, the blatant upheld false bans against Sym players, the endless harassment, and the throwing in response to her.

Could y’all comment on this and ressurect it. Maybe one day the Devs will take notice.

I mean, yes–she should be weak at level 1 but not weak to EVERYONE.

I honestly think she still needs more base damage.

Making the Beam longer than Zarya’s about 1.5 meters could work, but we could have a problem with the damage output, due to the range it would be hard to get near her

Another idea that could help her, would be not allowing symmetra’s Pohton Barrier to have the enemy team pass through it, or if they pass through it they are negated for a set healing ammount, or negate healing for 3.6 seconds after passing through the Ultimate.

Sym’s Tickrate is in a good place i think, she can ramp up energy alot better now, but we’ll see as time goes on

ye, that’s why i suggested i still sort of wish they tried 200/s at max, it would mean her min could have been 80/s, rather than the charge level being generated faster

this would be ridiculously overpowered, since it’s 5000 hp and you could just place it at their spawn, it’d be worse than a mei walling off their spawn because you can’t just go a different route around

having something on passing through it would be interesting to see, but i’m just worried how powerful that could be, as well
barrier dancing is already one of the strongest things in Barrierwatch, having to dance between something that’s constantly hurting you would be horrible

maybe instead of stacking its effect, it would just refresh a short duration on an effect: that way it’s not like “deal damage every time you pass” but more like a 3 second debuff of something, that just goes back to 3 seconds when you pass again, like what you suggested, but i’m not so sure i’d really enjoy more healing denial, Ana’s grenade is already a nightmare to deal with

“tickrate” isn’t the charge level increase
if that’s what you mean

tickrate is how she hits 20 times in 1 second, for 3/6/9 damage each tick
causing her to deal half damage to anyone with armor, significantly reducing her damage

but here, again, in my opinion, i don’t believe they should have made it charge faster… i still believe that was the wrong direction, her gun isn’t the problem, her own sustain is…

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My suggestions to buff Symmetra.
Using Primary allows you to steal hp as shields from shields as well as give her ammo. This will help against tanks.

Turrets will pass through shields. Targeting players. I miss hitting through shields and her turrets feel so weak against them. If they allowed her to steal ammo for her and snare targets that would be cool.

Doing damage starts your hp regen in combat. It might help a bit against those pesky genjis spamming there cleave.

1 more turret baseline. 2 more turrets able to be used during ultimate with turret refresh. I sort of miss the architect part of her kit.

Teleport adds temporary immunity while inside it. I’m talking immunity like genji’s reflect. Top rated heroes are those with instantaneous abilities and having long cast times ruins her ability to battle. I find myself dying to headshots when trying to set up a portal and just before you can teleport you die.

Temporarily buff people who use teleporter. Maybe you get a 50 shield for 5 seconds after you use it.

increase the range of primary fire with an added effect. When I heard of the rework I though the laser would get significantly bigger. Why not bring that back with some ranged increases as it’s boosted?

Make ramp up faster with more tiers but a bit more decay. I think I like the idea of a super beam but right now the beam feels lackluster especially if targets are getting healed with armor. Maybe add ways to make it better against armor. It just needs more punch for the investment. The same amount of tracking could easily be used by a tracer and one shot someone by the time it takes sym can get one boost up.