Thanks for doin nothing vs smurfs


I read this thread. All of it. Multiple times, to construct my arguments.

Your argument is: “I thought all opponents that are better than me are smurfs, now I changed my view”. Good for you, it show personal growth which I am very fond of.

Now, would you be so kind to read all of my responses to the claims similar, if not identical, to the ones you have made and formulate a response?

So you ignored everything else, which proves you don’t read everything posted.

If you are not going to read mine why would I read yours?

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I did. I also responded to every argument and claim you made. I’ve countered your “mathematical” and logical points. If I have missed some of them by mistake, please outline them for me and I will respond.

No you didn’t. You talked about something completely unrelated to it. Also you said this:

But you have no proof of that, you just said it. While it is technically true that bronze could be subjected to more people abusing the system and therefore getting banned, you forget that it is also easier to spot due the the low number of players and the difference in performance. Players who abuse the system are punished and nowhere is that more easy to detect than in bronze. Most smurfs are found in silver and gold.

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I like how long this post is getting, we need to keep it going so it pushes how much we hate smurfs.

My last game on Hollywood, they had a level 35 McCree, on fire all game, knew exactly what angles to take and when to FtH.

He sure was a great player for only having played the hero for about 3 hours. I remember when I first got OW and it took ages just to learn the maps.


It’s highschool math. If someone has an alt account or they be smurfing, they will have to go through bronze silver and so on to get to their skill level (should they want to). Bronze will always be more festered by smurfs by the logic of 2 > 1. You can’t get to silver or plat without going through bronze.

I am sorry if I missed a post or an argument. I combed through the thread multiple times and I can’t find an unanswered query of yours.

yeah is always same story:

“I was diamond on console” “not smurf, really”

The best is when they make profile public and do easy 1v6 with literally 0 hours on that hero: “main account”

This is mistaken. They will play placements and will be put in a specific level, not everyone starts in bronze.

Would you post the replay for educational purposes?

Cardinality. The first placement match will be played from mid gold. If they tank their matches, or have bad luck, they will be placed lower. Their progress will also be subject to growing by the regular rate, 50+/- for win and 25+/- for a loss.

Like I mentioned before, players abusing the system are detected and banned and they are particularly easy to detect in the lowest of ranks.

You are right. I am wrong.

That is what the developers stated, if you think they are lying well that’s on you.

Why would they stop their main source of income from OW?

Blizzard loves smurfs, and they want you to buy more accounts.

What I would like to see is ‘GM to Bronze’ streams. Where a Bronze player buys a GM account and proceeds to play to the best of their ability until they reach their intended rank.

I mean, if we let high ranks ruin the matchmaker, why not let low ranks do so as well?


Except you can simply have another account, as there are very legitimate reasons to do so, and that account will not be eligible for top500. So I do not know what your idea is about phone authentication but it would not really do anything.

Overwatch literally tweeted this: “Manipulating your SR/MMR whether intentionally losing or otherwise, is against our EULA, the spirit of OW & sportmanship in general.” So guess what smurfs are doing?

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Its waay way harder to get a new phone just to make a new account than just making the account (for free even in consoles)

That is not the point. The point is that there are legitimate reasons to have a second account which is why the top500 authenticator does not mean those accounts cannot exist but instead ensures that those accounts cannot be in top500 so that in theory top 500 is the top 500 (which it isnt but its closer).

We are the main character in our own story after all… However I see plenty of people that play better/worse that I don’t label smurf/thrower. In fact it’s most people cos I’m sitting in gold/plat. When someone completely and consistently stomps/spawn camps or only plays dps Support or something is when it gets tedious which has been getting increasingly common :sleeping:

Well, having only one account and it being gold border I’d wager it’s probably pretty accurate :thinking:

Not that I haven’t been occasionally back filled into some masters+ or silver- qp games where I’m noticeably out of place.

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There aren’t as many smurfs as you think. The big issue is the poor netcode quality which makes a bad player look like a pro just because they have a ~15ms latency advantage. If the difference is big enough then you only need to tag someone with a single hit and as long as you keep firing (even at the ground) then the server will treat the rest of the shots as hits. In the opposite direction you get loads of no hit registration.

Give an above average player an advantage like this and they become unstoppable.

It’s easy to tell if its effecting you because the kill cam movement becomes more and more abnormal with weird shaking effects while firing.

It makes me wonder if the game is still using some kind of alpha netcode from when Titan was first developed, it works fine playing against people on a lan where they all have similar latency (like at tournaments).