Thank you Support Players

For your constant whinning and complains, now you have ruined yet another amazing hero that only did her return for 1 week. (first was Genji)
All because you want to be build like a freaking immortal healbot that will put Roadhog to shame in the bullet sponge department, plus getting “protected” by your tank 24/7, the cherry on top? being able to 1 shoot people and teleporting at will

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it is the way
it is the way
it is the way

If you’re talking about tracer then she never needed damage buffs, besides her damage is being lowered from 6 to 5.5 NOT to 5 as she originally had it.

Oh no, she won’t be able to be S+ for once!

Genji needed the nerfs, he’s finally balanced now



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I think he’s talking about Kiriko who can…one shot Tracer, technically, if she gets a headshot on her?

I don’t think the supports can hear you because they all left. :thinking:


She does 120 damage to Tracer’s head, and she has 150 health. So not even that.

Support players aren’t the reason that hero was nerfed. Even non-support players were calling out how busted Tracer is with 6 damage.

Even with a headshot, unless you’re being damage boosted by a Mercy, it won’t one-shot Tracer.

Which could happen but a Mercy damage boosting a Kiriko isn’t the wisest choice.


Forum Genjis and Forum Tracers seem to be competing for biggest drama shows and biggest exaggerations jeez.


Or they got their heads stuck up Reinhardt’s butt :skull:

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You’re welcome! So glad to help.

I’m a dps player now


I am so sick of these devs ruining the game just to appease casuals who can’t aim. They have learned nothing from their failures on ow1.

That’s what happens when Blizzard has proven repeatedly that whining is enough to make them completely rebalance a character you don’t like.


Which is part of the reason I get so annoyed at the blatant lies forum posters post about their heroes.


Like supports being able to 1 shot people and teleporting at will?

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Imo 5 was a bit low. Even while playing Zen it just felt like a tickle. I think 5.5 might be the sweet spot.

Same people acting like Mercy getting five extra bullets put Genjis and Tracers on suicide-watch. Supports are too strong bucuz…

  1. ???
  2. They play DPS now…?
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I mean, technically they can. - if you use the standard “a one shot is when you - if it hits - get no say in if you die or not”

You know like Hog has a one shot, with the combo.

A landed Sleep dart followed up with Ana wrecking you, is technically a VERY slow one shot :wink:

So they are not wrong in a way if you squint your eyes.

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You: thanks support players for whining

Support players: You know what? I’m going to start complaining even harder