Thank you so much for the current state of tanking

I have to heavily agree with this!
The game feels a lot better at least on QP since I haven’t touched comp since march I think.

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Tell that to my SR that’s up like 600 over one week. I went from 2700 to close to 3300.

She takes more cooldown management, positioning games, and sneakyness than ever before, but she gets so much value IF you’re good at saving teammates.

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And now the current state of DPS is turning for the worst because the devs still refuse to make hitscans balanced.

And I just uninstalled the game, ez, finally I am rid of the game that only caters to casual players.

Double shield wasnt the issue, the issue was is that sigma and orisa had too much sustain on top of the fact they had shields. If they removed or altered their shift abilities then it would be fine to have double shield.

Good for you. It is not like she is completely unplayable or anything but compared to other tanks she is trash tier.

God I just wish they’d revert hog. Typical blizzard balancing. Buff to stupidly OP level, and then back pedal with unnecessary nerfs and changes that leave them even worse than before they got buffed.

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