Thank you so much for the current state of tanking

i’m literally tearing up right now, it’s really the best overwatch experience i’ve had in a long time that I just experienced this week. i have not played this game this hard in months, it was really so much fun today. i can dva and i’m having so much fun again. and everyone can play whatever it seems like, I went up against zaryas, sigmas, orisas, reins, hogs, winstons, hammonds, and other dvas. it was fresh and exciting every game.

thank you thank you thank you! :sob:


I went into this thread expecting sarcasm but this is unexpectedly refreshing o:


Even though I generally disagree with the OP it is good to see someone who likes the current state of things


I felt like I owed it to the devs, having been so hard on them and maybe even sometimes a little toxic back when D.Va felt unplayable, to post here when I’m having a lot of fun to make up for acting how I did at times. It wouldn’t be right to only post here when I’m mad :slight_smile:

I’m not saying there’s no room for tweaks for some of the other tanks by the way. I’m just saying that it feels the best it’s been in a while for me as a D.Va main, and it feels pretty diverse and less hard meta than the last few.


I’m liking the current state of tanks too but that doesn’t it’s balanced. Sigma & Orisa are clearly underperforming.

Now the real question is this:

How can we buff Orisa or sigma but without double shield coming back to haunt us?

I still also think hog needs some love, Zarya a slight nerf to increase decay rate on gun, and then we are golden.


i agree with all of this except zarya. i know people don’t like her, and I shouldn’t like her either as a dva main, but the reality is she does not feel oppressive. if she doesn’t feel oppressive when I play dva, then the other tanks should go up to her level, not her going down. because yesterday during my winstreak it felt like we lose if we ignore zarya but win if we kill her. Which feels fair, like as a dva being countered by zarya, extra effort in positioning against her and focusing her together was enough to win. That’s pretty fair to me, if a hero countered by zarya can still play with effort.

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As someone who prefers to play D.Va…
I don’t think D.Va being playable (finally!) means the state of Tanking is good. There are still a few tanks who are significantly underperforming.

All I see is rein and zarya.
Also is the worst hero one can pick right now.

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The game will never be perfect because the community all has a different version of what perfect Is

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D.Va is sleeper pick for meta right now.

Same for Mercy.

They’ve sneaked into the meta with barely any buffs.

Winston has gone top tier.

Also, Mercy-Ana pairing is very strong right now.

Agree for mercy but I don’t see where is going to fit it.
In what scenario picking woudl be a good idea?

It’s her mobility -->

The ability to play force-multiplier in any area of a fight.

Mobile tanks like Winston/DVA, are great at plugging weak gaps in your team.

If enemy tanks are a problem propped-up by squishies, I Winston.

If tanks are a problem & no squishies, I DVa.

If Pharah is a problem, I DVa.

If Hog is a problem, DVa.

If we need backline pressure, Winston.

If Winston is a problem, DVa.

If they go flankers & my healers are Ana/Zen, I DVa.

If they go flankers & my healers are not Ana/Zen, I Winston & counter-backline.

If high-ground is a problem, Winston/DVa.

If it is point A, Hanamura, Eichenwalde, King’s Row, I Rein/Zarya.

I can’t always trust my team to handle all the above.

But I can do it all myself on Winston/D.Va.

It’s definetly better than Hog + Zarya + Ana or you’re throwing. Being able to play just about any tank is good. Even if tanking in general is still difficult. Just being able to have more than 2 options is decent.

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I am asking you what place she has in the current meta, not what she can do in general.

She replaces Zarya who can’t contest high-ground.

And other static tanks, in a very mobile meta.

But then why is zarya in every game but not :thinking:

D.Va is sleeper pick for a reason: many still don’t realize how meta she is.

But I see her all the time.

Actually I see most tanks being played, except for Orisa.

balance has an objective basis that can only be subjectively perceived, so yes we can never have “perfect balance” but we can have a state that is close enough that no heroes feel utterly unplayable/unfun and no heroes are completely brokenly op.

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looks at tracer and widow