Thank you for removing the noose

They don’t read forums only reddit.

When you look too deep into anything, you can find racism/sexism. Sometimes things just need to be taken at face value. It’s just a reference to cowboy culture/popculture, and the common form of execution for the time.

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People using the noose spray in a racially insensitive way was probably just as common as someone using the Officer D.VA Skin, or Brigitte’s Riot Skin with their respective kneel emote on a Doomfist’s ragdoll model after an elimination… Which is to say almost never…

Just you wait though, I am sure anything related to government authority will be removed or changed because it can be made to appear to be something more than it is…

We got rid of the noose

We did it boys we ended racism/s


People still drop in many nations. It’s a very dark symbol of historical barbarism and a symbol of fear to those who would violate those nations laws.

Guns have killed far more people in history, yet we’re shooting at eachother.

Doesn’t matter if they were or not, it wasn’t used that way in game. It was a reference to McCree being a cowboy. That’s it.

And if they remove that because some complain over it being used as an oppressive symbol in the real world, then they need to remove everything else in game that has also been used oppressively in the real world, at which point we won’t have a game any more.

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It’s a means of execution.

Guess we’d better get rid of axes, hooks, swords, knives, guns, poison, horses, bags, electric cables, and cliffs as well.

To be fair, I don’t mind that this is gone, if only because this one means has become so iconicly attached to a particular era and conflict, but nothing is inherently a symbol of anything. People make it so, usually in reaction.

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I missed this thread but I just wanna say :

I agree. I also disagree with the decision to make all pirates black. History was wrong in that choice. :’(

… South Park “hard” difficulty making you Black. Although that was satirical, so it’s fine really.

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Well removing everything that is a RECOGNIZED symbol of oppression isn’t difficult.

You have just shown me that you either don’t know the history (which is fine) or it doesn’t matter to you (which shows no compassion) if you are comparing guns to a noose.

I’m sure SS soldiers wore boots when committing atrocities but it doesn’t have the same connotation as the Swastika as a symbol does it?

I don’t know how to explain this anymore clearly.

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I’m kinda over it, really.

On the one hand I dislike that something so simple is so divisive for some reason but on the other hand… it probably is part of the culture for bad reasons. Either way it means something bad now. You wouldnt have a swastika on an Indian hero now lol. Symbols change.

What I cannot stand is the people who act like suddenly it was their favorite spray. LIke, really? Yeah sure.


lets be honest overwatch was created a few years ago, just how long has nooses existed? i personally associate them with suicide(RIP Chester Bennginton) but either way hangings happened hundreds of years before overwatch came out so if it wasnt an issue at release it shouldnt be an issue now

at the same time its not a spray i’ll miss and i never even had it equipped ever

Honestly don’t care about the spray, but hope you’re gone from the game as well making bogus connections to pixel sprays. Thank you for leaving (hopefully).

You have no idea what I know or what I think but sure, assume away.

I just don’t see that a spray in a video game that’s associated with a cowboy character in said game is comparative to actual, real life oppression.

It’s not an assumption, it’s a deduction.

And don’t care that others do because you don’t. Lack of compassion.

I never said anything of the sort.

All I said was I don’t see the correlation.

You can get off your high horse now.

Controversial topics, ARE controversial.

The state I live in, has Capitol Punishment and I can say that from the past history, states didn’t go to this system for Revenge, it was to send a message to other Criminals to rethink their actions. Before they acted. Some ignored, others didn’t. A person can only estimate someone’s actions. Because simply put. We cannot view into the other person’s mind.

I can say that our state is more peaceful than most other states I guess…

*The “Rope” was an old west thing. - American West to be specific. A lawless time and when posses hunted down offending person(s). How it was used in other parts of the U.S. and around the world. Is still a “mixed bag”. I mean this really wasn’t a thing until this past year… :unamused:

So lets cut to the chase. (This is a 50/50 overwatch topic and is NOT.) McCree and his origin story? Do we really have a THEORY on that here? Because all the lore Blizzard was releasing, has stopped.

How is an American Frontiersmen in a FUTURISTIC world? Did Someone from OVERWATCH invent a time machine? Because by then, they would more than likely NOT be using a “Rope” to carry out Capitol Punishments. So that is where some theories might rest within. Did overwatch agents TIME travel to find a Person with “mad skillz” to take on jobs? Who knows.

: Back on topic. I really don’t see this as a Symbol of Hatred IMO. It fits the time frame which McCree MIGHT be from or his heritage. Maybe McCree just likes to Cosplay and is a crazed lunatic that watched TOO MANY Spaghetti Westerns…

Who knows?!

And a recognized symbol of the law, and then of frontier law, before that.

I wonder why a character themed off an Old West Sherriff might have that…

So by your logic, Swastikas are fine on Symmetra.

As long as they don’t come in black on white in red, etc, yes.

Why let one culture destroy all potential use of another’s symbol with its appropriation?

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