Thank you for removing hero bans/pools

I just wanted to say thank you because they were making competitive boring and were limiting the already small support/tank roles. Masters+ still have to deal with them unfortunately, but these bans were introduced to solve issues only masters+ players deal with.


I agree, but still feel like masters plus does not want bans. Sadly that tiny group is on their own, so they need to speak up if they want this trash removed.


Did they ACTUALLY removed hero pools ? I havent heard of this yet.

There’s a thread over in competitive discussion. The short version is that hero pools turned into something Blizz didn’t intend and is just all jumbled. As of Monday though, yes, hero pools will be removed for everyone below masters.

Other than that, the algorithm is being re-tuned so that more heroes are banned and some heroes are aiming to be played in OWL. Reaper, Mei was cited as an issue.

Edit: Here’s a link.

yes it’s a shame that it’s not completely removed… I’m hoping in a few seasons they’ll get rid of it completely.