Thank You, Aria Rose

Guess the Briggite causing 9/11 is just a joke as well then. :confused: Clearly, she didn’t, after all.

(some guy made a thread saying that brig caused 9/11)

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Just because im trying to say that i belive you are wrong doesnt mean you are objectively wrong and dont have a valid opinion

Exactly context exists, I was making a joke. You can add all the text in the world after calling someone facist, you’re still calling someone a facist.

By likening me to a closest racist…

She wouldn’t have been able to do that with yesterday’s patch, she would have been knocked back too after using shield bash on the first tower :thinking:

You and Zero refered to me as a Na-i and now you’re trying to backpedal. You knew exactly what an Ar-an was and within the context, considering one of you said “Hail Aria”, the other called my fans Arians and then said something along the lines of it fitting. It was a blatant Hitler joke. I could go find the comment chain if you really feel like arguing more.

Hun, if it’s an off color joke, no one has to find it funny. Saying “it’s a joke” does not exempt you from criticism.


Shes gives HER thoughts but also backs up her arguments with FACTS

Shes never really been “toxic” and she rarely if ever talks down to people.

She also debates the people who disagree with her or the ones she disagrees with.


she’s good in my books.

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I wouldn’t thank her for driving you into a wall.

Her videos have only strengthened the divide. The Mercy mains now have the courage to argue more, and those in disagreement have been riled up by bias opinions being made public.

I get that since you agree with her, you see her as some sort of role model, but a somewhat well-known figure taking a strong opinion on something controversial isn’t healthy for this community.


I think we are all cultists. Am I able to have a dual cultzmanship? Is that a thing?

Ok dont lie the way in which you sadi it sounded so close to the trope it was unparalleled

( also that trope is basically a meme at this point)

You said you cant hate mercy mains cuz you have mercy friends

The meme and trope goes where the guys says i cant be racist i have black friends

Id hsve to be blind not to see the similarity it was obviously a coincidence but my god it was a funny one

This is just next level indirecting. It isn’t constructive to ignore replies. A persons character doesn’t make their argument invalid. That is called as hominem.

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Go ahead and flag me, I’ll report them for making off color, Hitler jokes. It’s hilarious how people will defend them just because they dislike me or Mercy mains.

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Opinions aren’t facts, but I’m happy you like her. I’m not getting into this because neither side will see reason so there’s no point arguing about it.

Have a great day. :heart:

No-one is talking about you I’m sorry you think everything is about you however :frowning:

I dont hate mercy mains i have friends who are mercy mains

Lol never though id see the day where we got this trope used for mercy mains

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You < The Point.

I’m not talking about you.

I just came back from work and just looking through all this drama.
The whole post was created knowing well what the end result will be, they could have messaged the person being thanked as I know they have their own discord server where they all gather and what not but ofcourse this had to be created… gotta stir the drama.


I didn’t say i Can’t hate mercy mains why are you lying exactly perhaps you would like to take up some reading lessons.

Here’s a direct quote of what i actually said.

To be fair if anyone disagrees with the Mercy posts they get labelled a “Mercy Hater” >_>

I’ve had it happen to me plenty of times despite me being a support/tank flex main who has played Mercy for quite some time.