Thank You, Aria Rose

Yea it’s totally normal for people to respond in 10 seconds and be the first res-ponder isn’t it.

100% not pre-planned or anything happens all the time here ! :slight_smile:

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I used the enemy’s tactic and I’m not proud of it but it wasn’t like openly agressive and hateful nor it could be compared in anyway to calling someone a facist.

In general I’m just amused of the SJW way of approaching things for a small portion of our community. Never seen people whine and complain so much in my life.

Fello mercy main here

I dont agree with all your opinion but the way you are treated is just sad

Someone made a top 10 posters post and i was in it and i responded first and im a nobody all i do is talk about sym

Am i in a cult now? Is there a symmetra cult?

I don’t have any likes left, but thank you.

Enemy’s tactic? You referred to us as Na*is, then you and Zero acted like it was the best joke in the world. That’s pretty messed up compared to some Mercy mains making posts that people don’t like. Calling people out on that and the cult bs is not being “SJW”.

It’s not that deep.

Well i dunno but this doesn’t help your case… :slight_smile:

Yea like i said it’s just a total coincidence happens all the time here!


You’re the one who made the Naz1 joke? One wrong doesn’t justify another.

And there it is

See it isnt about opinions or balance or anything

Its just about the hero hierarchy to you people

You dont care about the contents being discussed, you justvwant to disagree because you wanna hate on mercy mains


I mean, that individual is quite toxic in my opinion. Couldn’t even do a custom 1v1 without spewing toxic and derogatory comments.

Again, it happened to me and im not a popular figure at all

So am i in the symmetra cult

Making a random joke (that’s actually pretty good if you’re just objective 2sec) and straight up seriously calling someone a facist is not the same.

I don’t especially put every Mercy players in the same bag but you seem to do so I’ll do the same for the sake of argument, that being said you know very well that the people you call Mercy mains, don’t just post friendly and welcoming messages on the forums otherwise people wouldn’t be sick and tired.

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Not at all i have many friends who are Mercy mains but they aren’t so entitled that they think their hero is special and make 10000 posts a week about the “state of her balance” & were even making these posts when mercy was infact s+ tier with a almost 99% pickrate.

No they do what the rest of us have to do and that’s pick another hero if the situation calls for it.


Grab your tinfoil hats! :joy:

I didn’t call anyone a n4z1, I said her viewers should be called Arians, it’s not the same thing.

One was edgy humor, the other was actual hate.

This is like the " i cant be rascist i have back friends" trope

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Wait you are comparing me to a racist now.

What an actual stupid comment which I have just flagged.

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Is it just a coincidence that it sounds similar to, ”Naz1’s”?

If it is just a coincidence, then forgive my for my incompetence. If not, shame on you. :pensive:

Not all the Mercy mains post kindly, not all (insert any character) mains post kindly. You can’t generally say that she’s right or wrong, she just said that you should respect every person in the forums, but just “joking” about her to be part of the n@zis is a really a bad move my friend…

No? Racism is much worse but thats the first thing that popped in my mind cuz its so similar

I cant be racist i have black friends

I cant hate mercy mains i have mercy friends

It just sounds so similar