Thank You, Aria Rose

Oh they know very well how many people play and love mercy.

That’s the whole reason they kept her s+ tier for about a year in the first place at the expense of everyone else.

I don’t see why they would complain about anything addressing the issues with Mercy.

Again, nothing suggests that it will happen again. I mean, people said so many times that she was underpowered whenever she got nerfed. That proved to be false until he most recent nerf.

It is a monster of Blizzards own making. They cut off communication, not the community.

Then, as a slap to the face, they respond to a topic created solely to praise them for the things they should already be doing as a creator.

Blizzard can do their job and get praise. They don’t go the extra mile. They used to, but not anymore. I personally don’t want that to become the norm.

Yes or no its not hard.

:roll_eyes: Alright, whatever. There’s much better ways to criticize people and to get your point across.

Going of off this post, I don’t think 55 will help.

I only watch her videos because of her voice

Like if she doesnt like the mercy cult meme then stop acting like one.

they put you to sleep 2?

No. That was implied by my reply.

As someone who came from tf2 and was used to Valve as a games developer & how they interacted with their community. (Never not once)

I’m just glad Blizzard did at least make an effort.


They are entitled , mercy must remain ontop of the foodchain because they are to lazy to actually improve there mechanical skill and game sense.

Pretty sure everytime they replied to the megathread it was to say they weren’t reverting her or to say her stats were “fine” just to then nerf her.

I mean its hard to take what they say to us seriously if they don’t follow up on it or even give us an updated response saying "hey we changed our minds about that one thing and heres what’s happening now…)

we need better communication from the devs.

among many other things.

they need to stop ignoring the feedback that’s being given to them.

they make megathreads for a reason :man_shrugging: but that purpose isn’t being fulling fulfilled seemingly as bastion is a testament to that.




And yet, as a company, they can drop one WoW DLC and get all that money back.

They don’t need to cater to one specific group. Statistically she’s fine. That’s honestly what matters. She isn’t getting boosted SR, “Hunt the Mercy” is over, and she’s balanced.

What’s the issue again? You find her unfun to play, but that’s an opinion.

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Again, ignore the dude. He’s obsessed and just wants to rattle people. Stop giving them attention.

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why u meme dude , didnt you hear your cult leader aria? she doesnt like meme’s.

these stats look pretty underpowered to me.

You realize that the term cult and what actually makes one is highly debated by professionals who study cult behavior, right? There’s more nuance to it than they happen to really like the character.

There’s plenty of things you could use to describe various posters, I don’t think cultist is an accurate response.

I belong to no group :thinking: