Testing the forums

Just testing to make sure that I know how to use this.


Welcome to the wonderful world of Overwatch Forums… :+1:


I hate everything!

Winning is for losers!

I am the edgelord!

It’s a trap!!!


Welcome to the forums.

Sometimes posts that go against the community guidelines take forever to be taken down, sometimes your post gets flagged for absolutely no reason. The devs are a rare spawn, and Mercy posts are constant.

Most people here are nice and fun to talk to :hearts:

Have fun.


Run while you have the chance!!!



  1. Dont talk about Mercy
  2. Nerf everything you dont like
  3. “Go wild with crazy speculation” -Stylosa
  4. Cherish the Moira popcorn emote
  5. Have fun

If it’s coding you want to test, Dr4gon97 has an excellent thread that shows what you can do in that regard:

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*Cherish Moira eating anything. She is a SNACC herself though UwU

uwu :upside_down_face:

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You somehow have zero posts so I’m wondering

How did you fail the test? xD

EDIT I see that creating a thread doesn’t count as a post. That makes no sense, but whatever END EDIT

Jk, seriously though, you have zero posts somehow.

You failed the test.

Threads don’t increase post count.

Topic created don’t count as posts

Oh, you learn something new every day. Nice.

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Here are some tips:

Never mention Mercy

Keep the Moira popcorn emote tabbed

Oh and where are my manners?
Welcome to the Overwatch forums OP!

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