Tell me what's op or weak, Edit: and how would you fix that

anti nade nuf said



Dynamite, because it deals a minimum of 120 damage to multiple enemies completely for free with next to no skill involved, and it’s also annoying as hell to burn. It’d be better with much less burning damage, and more explosion damage next to the center of the explosion so that it would be more skillful to deal high burst damage. Possibly bonus explosion damage for shooting the dynamite instead of waiting for it to explode


Dragonblade is extremely weak and can be outhealed by most things post-nerf. What I would do to fix this is rework Dragonblade as an ultimate to be closer to the other Dive heroes in the roster - make it a channeled ability that stores damage received, and turns it into damage dealt.


Hero: Sym
Status: UP
Reason for status: She’s a hero that’s only decent on like 2 maps (and that’s ALSO CONDITIONAL on playing a comp + strat that’s entirely designed to hard enable her taxi tp and w+m1) but trash on the rest. Meaning overall, she’s just trash even by “niche hero” standards.


Discord, honestly one of the core causes to the insane damage output in the game right now.

The fix would be the experimental change:

Grant an additional role-specific effect if attached to the ally for at least 2 seconds:

  • Tanks: 20% damage reduction
  • Damage: 10% movement speed increase
  • Support: healing received increased from 30 to 40 health per second

Discord is nerfed from 25% to 15%

Make anti nade only lower healing to 50% instead of fully denying it, OR create more cleanse options in the game. (Though this isn’t going to happen for a long time even if they were to do this.)

Winston’s ult needs buffs:

  • Primal rage no longer grants ult charge.
  • If Winston were to die during primal rage he reverts back to normal winston with full hp.

Because I usually am, that’s just my nature

I agree, anti nade breaks this game’s ability to use healing, one of core aspects of this game, it should either just be a healing buff, or the anti-healing shouldn’t be 100%

I have a question how does dynamite make you incinerate?

Oh yeah, precision, either throw it over so it avoids the shield but deal less or throw it in, risking it gets shielded but dealing more since it would be closer.



But Dragonblade is 2 ults, one is offensive squishy melting Genji blade, and other is, I AM BULLET PROOF unless the anti-nade stops it’s user from being healed

Sym is trash overall, unless you’re not playing in low SR, like me, I’ve had ton of games where my team would literally ignore Sym turrets,

but magicaly when I play Sym the turrets barely last anything, despite hiding them better or same as the other Sym players…

that’s a pretty thoughtful idea I could agree on,

I’m not very good in imagining Symmetra so I can’t have an oppinion on her…

so ur initial fix of discord is to buff the other orb?


I agree the nade shouldn’t be 100%

Winston is not a mech tho, that’s like transforming DragonGenji into Genji when he dies with Blade in hand don’t you think?

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I agree that anti nade is very powerful, but I honestly think that debuffs, when done correctly, can add a level of complexity to the game that would possibly make it more fun. I think that the reason debuffs are so strong in the game now is that there are currently no healthy ways of cleansing debuffs on team mates except Zarya’s barrier.
I hope to see the devs add more debuff cleansing abilities to the game so that supports or tanks can assist their team and bring counterplay options to enemy debuff effects. As of right now, getting hit with a debuff is just a death sentence with extra steps, and I think that’s the problem with it.

Yes, but 100% reduced healing is like making discord orb deal 100% more damage,

Or that only few characters have debuffs if we don’t count cc as a debuff.

Perhaps AOE ult that clears all buffs?

Or, welp, now I can’t do anything for X seconds and have to wait behind corner, this is fun…

Yup. Anti-nade, as usual, is the solution to every problem, but I was under the impression this thread was for character balance in a vacuum and thus wasn’t accounting for outside help.

Only if you shoot him, otherwise nothing happens. Similar to Deflect.

Not necessarily, already thought about that. It only provides CC and damage resist as long as the ability is channeled, anything beyond that has no resistance.

People complain that there’s no counterplay to Nanoblade (which is straight up false), but this has counterplay in the same way that Deflect does. It’s also less aggravating for the Genji, as the tactic of barraging him with every ult the second he Qs wouldn’t be as effective.

Bastion is in a weak spot. In a game all about moving together with the team, you have a character who specializes in being most powerful when not moving, but his range means you also need to wait until the enemy gets closer or put yourself in highly vulnerable aggressive positions. When you pick Bastion, it makes your whole team feel the responsibility to play around your aggressive positioning because you leave yourself so vulnerable. If your team doesn’t do that, you are just a damage spam glorified barrier breaker.

OW team based on their upcoming OW 2 rework seem to think abandoning the whole hero identity and remove Bastion’s stationary sentry configuration is the solution, which is classic Blizzard balance, if it’s unbalanced; remove the whole hero kit completely.

My solution is revert Bastion’s sentry mode to be closer to early Bastion, aka make Bastion more of a sharp-shooter / anti-sniper class. By tightening his sentry spread, reducing his base damage, and re-adding head shots. Why does this work? Because a sniper’s positioning is a lot less aggressive than a typical damage hero’s. Bastion could and should always be able to be out-maneuvered by other dps heroes, but it’s also weird that he can be out-ranged. Makes it so the situations for Bastion to be very useful are quite rare.

Bastion can’t move, so going into his line of sight no matter where you are should be risky. Given his weakness in the back when in sentry mode, it’s obvious he was originally designed to play the backlines and be weak to the flankers.

Dumbfist is op because he doesn’t take fall damage.

Overtuned DPS heroes: Soldier, Tracer, Echo, Cree, Ashe, Hanzo.
Underpowered: Doomfist, Junkrat, Genji, Bastion
Get this hero out of my game: Overtuned minus Tracer + Reaper, Torb, Sym.

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I’ve melted people like 20m away while being healed with Bastion, but yeah, the others that I haven’t found a cover,


I’m not sure if the weak snipers need a competetor that can counter them, while also being able to oneshot barriers which is something snipers are pretty slow at…

out of everything why snipers? the weakest class, and with non agressive playstyle the opposing side can just never peek sniper or only peek them with barrier, which isn’t very valuable

and it is

well unless they get a clean 2 shots or one with a shotgun Bastion will just turn around and turn you into cheese

is that a suggestion or just complaint because you’re a support main that either mispositions or doesn’t have a team that cares about you and lets flanker heroes get to you and oneshot you?

I miss the part in your test where you’re suggesting a fix to these overtuned and underpowered DPS,
though the focus on DPS as the core problem is expectable and I 90% agree with that,

Or just nerf them, but blizzard won’t because the cool flashy heroes on covers, posters and whatnot need to be “fun to play”,

also I still don’t get the thing with Tracer being op, she is has low HP, her guns require you to be close to your target or reload multiple times,
so she gets the strength of being really fast and being hard to hit.

You only really feel it after you play against a Tracer that’s masters +.

Just nerf the overpowed dps - Soldier back to 19 dmg; Tracer faloff revert and maybe blink cooldown nerf, Cree loses 225; Ashe I have no idea literally everything about that hero is broken in some way, Echo if you die in copy you die - period; Hanzo - revert every single buff ever given to storm arrow.

I think for the most part, the game’s pretty balanced.
Sigma & Bap are a bit too hefty, and Sombra & Bastion could use help. But the game’s been in far worse states.

My list could literally feature 32 heroes.

well if you aren’t masters + I see why masters Tracer can outplay you

Throwing Flashbang

I guess some of these would be nice like the Echo one

I agree, but some Cowboys and Soldiers seem to be played alot, despite being not very new heroes in the game

Sigma at least got that cooldown on Shield and has same break gauge,


I agree

well if you say it blatantly like that

Zarya feels pretty weak. I’d like them to up her beam dmg a bit and maybe reduce ammo cost of her secondary fire.

ofc, and maximum charge would be an instakill than?

thanks for the thread.
first of all, let me clarify what I mean by OP or weak.
since we don’t have many indicators in the game to determine when a player is truly dominating, i will focus exclusively on the on-fire meter.

some heroes are better suited for certain players than others.
some heroes are better suited for certain skill levels than others.
it is impossible to give you a good answer without analyzing a lot of data that is only available to blizzard. blizzard could probably tell you at any given moment which hero is performing the best statistically at each rank.

for this reason, i want to narrow down the scope by specifying how quickly a player fills up the fire meter with simple (perhaps incorrect) actions.

i think this provides a reasonable level of consistency in reproducibility.

factors influencing the on-fire meter:

  • survivability
  • damage per minute
  • kills and kill assists
  • heal per minute
  • objective time


immediately go into battle ( feed/rush the enemy team), use your available skills and watch the fire meter fill up.
i quickly realized that ana is clearly OP because of her grenade.
moira performs similarly well, as she can deal damage freely.
no other heroes allow me to fill up the on-fire meter so quickly and easily.

but that’s only true up to approx. diamond rank! - so you’re asking a pretty difficult question.
i would say that playing an aggressive ana is rewarding for most players, assuming they have a minimum level of aiming accuracy.
sombra and orisa are unfortunately at the bottom of my list.
orisa lacks mobility and sombra relies on teamwork (lol).

remove the on-fire meter and all associated scoring criteria, remove all systems that analyze and rate gameplay skills. remove medals from the game and help players understand how this game really works.

playing an OP hero won’t help you win a game.
dominating in a game is sometimes less helpful than playing the hero that is needed.
blizzard has created something incredibly complex that many players can not even begin to understand.