TED Talk: Pronouns and You

I fully expected the post to get flagged, since there’s a lot of people on here who just don’t care for that sort of thing and get upset by it even when they have the choice to avoid reading the topic.


I mean, i dont really like the “NB” thing, i still read it. I didnt report it tho cuz i dont really care how you feel cuz its none of my business


Well yea, it’s the Overwatch forums, barely anyone holds a discussion for anything like I said lol…

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The purpose of my post was simply to clear up the misunderstanding surrounding the use of They/Them as pronouns. It doesn’t particularly matter to me whether people choose to use the pronouns or not.

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I found it’s best to just prepare every forum thread on here to be reported no matter what it’s about. I think some people on here just report everything they see, just because they can.


Using the world darling to complete strangers is culturally acceptable in specific regions of the world (and specific regions of USA). Outside of those regions using that word to a stranger can be seen as inappropriate since it is a word usually reserved for someone beloved to you of the opposite sex.

Calling a stranger that, especially outside of the areas where it is a social norm, risks them thinking you are making unwanted advancements on them. It would be seen like you just walked up to a stranger and called them your girlfriend/boyfriend when they don’t know you.

So yeah, it can border on sexual harassment if the person being called darling isn’t from a culture where that word is used in a more harmless sense. It would be like someone from Australia who frequently uses the “C” word using it outside of their usual social context. People removed from that social context will not be pleased and treat the word as they know it.


OK. But now imagine that you are trans man that is called “she”. When your whole life you hear that you are not a man, you can’t be a man and you are actually a woman.

Basically, when you hear “she” you hear “you are not valid”. Because that’s what trans person hears when you misgender them. And we know that people, most of the time, don’t do it on purpose, but rather do it by accident. That’s why we just correct politely. But that has it’s end when someone just throws a fit about it. Because it shows that they aren’t genuine.

We are speaking about English here.

I am not interested in learning french or about french.

The post is purely there to educate. I’m not looking to change anyone’s mind, perspective, beliefs, or feelings.

I can, and I am…

Doesn’t make it any less creepy.

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See, if I hear an elder person use “Darling”, I wouldn’t be mad about it, it’s so contextual and generational and I think this is where most people fail at regarding uses of specific words and pronouns.

I call my dearest friends “bro” regardless of gender. I hear someone be mad about my accidental missusage of a pronoun, I might step 10 feet away and never talk to that person. There’s a way and formality on how to do it and I don’t think someone ranting 3 phrases on the right pronouns the right way.

People get mad at every little things and I personally would be offended if someone randomly pointed my mistake as a mistake. Would you tell a kid in class that his mathematical error is so stupid he shouldn’t be in school? I would rather use a “sandwich” method to which you put up some bread context, put the tomatoes that I don’t like and then put the last bread part so I don’t feel attacked.

That is exactly why I can’t stand these forums, I’m trying to be open-minded and I’m also learning people the view of someone outside of the English-realm. If your goal was for me to not feel attacked, you succeeded in not.


Then don’t lol? They’re not coming to do an emergency penile transplant or anything. :laughing:

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And while I don’t mind it, I’ve thought it was clunky all of my life due to typical grievances about the English language. The funniest thing is that, before this modern discourse about gender and sex and other stuff that’s bordering on nonsense to me, I could just say that to people and people would agree.

Now, when I say that, people get really annoyed and start flinging accusations. Because modern discourse is horrible.

That said, I land in the same boat as you where I don’t particularly care about Venture’s pronouns. I think the character’s fun and well designed, and that should be the most important thing about them. In that case, I mean “them” to both mean “most important thing about venture” and "most important thing about characters as a whole.

I remember when Life Weaver came out and people couldn’t get past…whatever his sexual orientation is. I legitimately can’t remember because I think the most important thing about him his how cool his character design is.

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And that’s ok. Because, I assume, your friends are ok with you calling them that.

If you would be my friend tho and try to pull that off, I would actually explain to you in polite way that I don’t like to be called that and asked you to not do it.

Sure… But usually, at first, it’s just simple “hey, you misgendered me. Please try to not do this in the future”. Let’s not pretend like everytime you misgender someone that person loses their mind about it and get aggressive.


If I am mistaken I want to know it, so I can correct myself and stop being wrong.

That’s a false analogy to what I am saying.

correct one would be “would you tell a kid in school that they made calculus error when they wrote down 2+2=6?”

Because that’s what I am saying. Tell the kid “hey, you made a mistake, 2+2 equals 4, not 6 and here is why”.

Only when kid throws a tantrum about being corrected and calls teacher slurs telling them what you brought up is justified.

What part of what I said at the beginning is you “getting attacked” when someone corrects you? And I will quote it here, so there is no misconception of what I am talking about:

What part of what I said made you feel like I am attacking you?

And this is fine… But we are speaking about english in this topic. You bringing french is derailing. You can make topic about french uses of pronouns for NB people, go ahead.

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Modern discourse is all about who can out the other as a bigot the fastest, it would seem.

Why ? They have blue and pink ambulances ? They come from Mars and Venus ? They’re made in cabbage and roses ?

try without ad hominems, then we can speak…

Yes, it is. That’s my point.

It can be viewed as such, and throwing a fit that someone misunderstood your intention when they thought you were a creep is pretty lame.

Your whole “but they berate me and my grandpa over stuff” is evidence to the contrary!

Such a great rebuttal… So convincing \s


But I am not the one that says “where I am from…”. It’s you!

I will apologise if they do.

The whole point of what I said happened where I am from and you made a ridiculous comment on the assumption that it is something that happened where you’re from. Maybe keep comments like that to yourself in the future.

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Maybe 1%. The rest of the world could care less. I’ll be me, and you do what you want, but don’t think for one moment you can force me to do what you prescribe to.


As french I really struggle to remember to call Venture they, I always say she because my brain is not wired to think behind “elle / il” (she / he), also I’m always high so it doesn’t help…


Children, I kindly ask that you stop your petty squabling and agree to disagree.