TED Talk: Pronouns and You

Since the point keeps going over people’s heads, the purpose of this thread is to inform. What you do with that information is entirely up to you.

Going to try to keep this brief. Venture’s pronouns are They/Them, use them or don’t use them; I don’t particularly care.

With that out of the way, there seems to be some confusion about the use of They/Them as a singular pronoun rather than a plural. The usage of the singular They/Them has been around since the 14th century. While it may be confusing since it is used in both the plural and the singular, it is not the only English word to do so. I’m sure everyone is familiar with how Moose can be both singular and plural, and is defined by context as to whether you’re talking about one moose, or more than one. The same can be applied to They/Them.

I do recommend that you exercise caution in how you address NB’s and people whose gender is unknown to you or you’re uncertain of. Since NB’s do not necessarily identify as either Male or Female, the usage of They/Them is appropriate.

Class dismissed. You’re free to return to being angry about everything Overwatch.


My lord and savior greater emperor Sigma, is it you?

Darling, but how come that pronouns are correlated to gender but not sex ?


Don’t think people need to overthink about this too much. If others get wrong for the first time, the non-binary people can just correct it for future reference. It’s impossible to be right 100% of the time these days since non-binary gender isn’t exclusive to inter-sex people, but even biological males/females who looks 100% like their sex can still identify as non-binary too if they feel differently about gender in their mind.


Ah sh… here we go again.


Wouldn’t be confusin use term s ex with 911 operators?

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Because gender is what you’re actually interacting with 9 times out of 10. Plus, it’d just be confusing to refer to Blair White as he/him or Buck Angel as she/her.


Why did we separate sex from gender? Pronouns are used to more easily identify people. If I hear a female voice, I’m going to assume it’s a girl. I can understand making exceptions for trans people, but I’ll never understand this NB stuff. How can you have dysphoria to be something that doesn’t exist? Being a man or a woman is more than your social behavior.


Venture is not a real person. I will call them what ever i want to call them. If i am talking to a person in real life then yes but as a video game char? No.


And yet I suspect that you’d take issue with someone referring to fictional characters with racial slurs.


I don’t have any strong stance about it, I just accept it as it is. Gender dysphoria is real and there are plenty of biological males/females who feels like a different gender in their head for one reason or another. So it’s quite possible that there are also other types of gender dysphoria where one doesn’t really feel like a male or female in their mind (even without being born as inter-sex).


No lol your reaching now


Please don’t be that person. You can make your point without belittling another struggle. You know damn well this person wouldn’t care


It’s simple, cupcake.

Sex refers to your biology, not your role in society. Gender refers to your role in society and not your biology.

Granted, a lot of the time those two will coincide. Majority of people do identify with gender that they are assigned at birth. And that’s assigned based on the perception of their sex. So a biological female is assigned woman at birth (or girl - that’s more commonly used for preteens) and biological male gets assigned man (or boy). Now, for majority of cases people will identify with those labels, because that’s how human development goes. But there are edge cases that people won’t feel like gender they got assigned, and we call those people transgender.

Now, trans person can either identify as gender that’s opposed to what they were assigned (a biological female that identifies as man is called a trans man) or they can identify as a gender “in between” (because concept of gender is a spectrum). And those “in between” we call non-binary (or NB for short, sometimes “en be”).

Concept of a pronoun refers only to your gender, not to your sex. But I get how it be confusing, since for most people sex=gender in their experience. And while those two things can be the same, they don’t need to be.


Do you really believe the words him or her are as offensive as the n word?


To add to the point of OP, the word “You” is also both singular and plural.


Gender is what you identify as. Pronouns are used to describe a person’s gender, rather than their sex. Some languages forego pronouns altogether. As for why, it’s likely out of convenience if anything. Otherwise every conversation would be you having to repeat the person’s name. The flow would be very stiff.

Whether you are Male or Female is determined by your chromosomes. You’re either XY or XX. When talking about a person’s Sex, it’s in regards to their chromosomes which are visibly represented in the form of your reproductive organs.


Their point was that you can’t offend a fictional character. Why would a more offensive term make a difference?


If a person is unconscious and they lack any identification, you would call 911 and describe the person.

As an example: Roughly 5’10 - 6’2 Male, appears to be in their mid to late 20s.

I’m still opposed to the idea of gender being “fluid” but other than that, I agree and well said.

I like the idea of male/female/non-binary gender as a concept where transgender can identify as the opposite of their sex while those who feel neither male nor female can identify as non-binary. I don’t really buy into there being “100 genders”. But I’m on the boat with regards to 3 gender concept.

Maybe you meant spectrum as in (male — non-binary — female), then I agree though. When I mean fluid I mean “100 gender identities” some people are spouting these days.