Teammates are literal bots

So I decided just for fun to try out the Custom Game mode where you can just throw 9 bots and yourself onto a map and play all by yourself. I was really surprised because I was actually having fun for once. First of all, it seems like the Bot AI has been upgraded in Overwatch 2. Now you can tell them to play Tank and they will pick a random tank and be able to use abilities and ultimates. The bots are actually reacting to getting shot by me better than real life people in matchmaking. They actually try to get out of the way and protect themselves. I think this is unironically the future of Overwatch and many other games. It gets rid of 99% of the problems in Overwatch that people constantly whine and complain about:

  • No queue times
  • No leaver penalties
  • No AFK penalties
  • No random lag spikes
  • No trash talk or voice chat abuse
  • No spamming voice lines and “I need healing!” pings
  • No throwers, smurfs, cheaters, or leavers on your team
  • You can just play on your favorite maps (no Push Mode ever again thank GOD)
  • You always win and get POTG
  • No MMR or SR
  • No forced 50% winrate
  • No swinging difficulty spikes
  • No Battle Pass
  • No grinding XP or SR points or anything else
  • No Role Queue limitations (you can pick any role at any time)
  • You always have a Healer and a Tank
  • The teams are always perfectly balanced (as all things should be)
  • You never get instantly killed for no reason
  • You never get killed after you are already behind cover
  • Your team actually plays the objective

If PvE is anything like this it would actually fix the game in every conceivable way.


Almost like they’ve had to focus on building good AI for PVE, huh?

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Weird when I played in vs AI the other day it was the easiest game I’ve ever played. They just stand still and take so much damage. It was kind of dumb.

You had me in the first half, ngl.

That’s because there were barely any tank bots in OW1. Only Hog and Zarya. Now they have most except Dva, Doom, and Ball. (because apparently creating AI for them as well as Echo and Pharah is still too difficult… even though they’ve got a whole PvE mode in the works… definitely not concerning)

Also the bots grav-dragoned my team of real players yesterday in VS AI with only our Orisa escaping it alive to laugh at the rest of us. Them bots are ruthless. :dizzy_face:


Well he ain’t lying. It’s no wonder so many people resort to unsavory methods of winning as terrible as they are. And I don’t mean the fundamentals like ability rotation or aim I mean not having enough sense to know a tank should be on the objective at all times during overtime.

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And that there is why it won’t work. It’s too easy. It can be fun for a while but there is no challenge. POTG isn’t special if you get it all the time

Though I’m not complaining about bots having better awareness and teamwork than some real players

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I went to practice vs aI to practice Genji mechanics and wasn’t expecting the hardest aI to actually be as good as they were x-x

For reference, my Genji is probably bronze cause I can’t aim with him or do any of his mechanics so I literally have to play vs bots

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You might have fun but it will get boring really fast because there is nothing to strive for be it a rank level or to do lame achievements.

As a casual player playing with people it gets boring after a few matches.

If you really want a challenge, set them to a harder difficulty. In Custom Games, you can choose your difficulty level:

  • Beginner
  • Practice
  • Casual
  • Hard
  • Lethal
  • Extreme
  • Ultimate
  • Aimbot

For me, Casual is where it starts to get spicy.

Blizzard is definitely capable of doing it, its probably just not worth the resources

It would probably come down to ONE dev getting the assignment and that would be their task for a while.

Bot mode isnt a priority though

Sure you weren’t playing ranked? :joy: