Targeting players with 2 conditions

For example i want to start aiming only on player that is closest to me AND have variable ,A" true, and if someone without variable ,A" is the closest one to me i want to target another closest player with variable ,A"

Is it even possible?

Yes. I need to know: What happens if no player has A = true?

It just ignores him even if he is the closest one, and aims at next closest player with varaiable A

In no players in the game have variable A = true then Stop aiming

Something like that?


rule(“Aiming closest alive player with variable A set to True”)
Ongoing - Each Player;

	Is True For Any(All Living Players(All Teams), And(Compare(Event Player, !=, Current Array Element), Compare(Player Variable(
	Current Array Element, A), ==, True))) == True;

	Start Facing(Event Player, Direction Towards(Eye Position(Event Player), Eye Position(Sorted Array(Filtered Array(
		All Living Players(All Teams), And(Compare(Event Player, !=, Current Array Element), Compare(Player Variable(
		Current Array Element, A), ==, True))), Distance Between(Event Player, Current Array Element)))), 100, To World,
		Direction and Turn Rate);
	Wait(0.250, Ignore Condition);
	Loop If Condition Is True;


More info about me and my game mods you can find here.

It’s exactly what i was looking for but in wondering, is there a possibility to target alive players, with variable A = true and in line of sight?

Sure, just add it into condition and action.
Can you do it?

Emm, nevermind.

Try this code
		0: CurrentTarget
		1: CheckingFlagA
		2: NewTarget

rule("Aiming closest alive player with variable A set to True")
		Ongoing - Each Player;

		Is True For Any(All Living Players(All Teams), And(Compare(Event Player, !=, Current Array Element), And(Compare(Player Variable(
			Current Array Element, CheckingFlagA), ==, True), Compare(Is In Line of Sight(Event Player, Current Array Element,
			Barriers Do Not Block LOS), ==, True)))) == True;

		Set Player Variable(Event Player, NewTarget, Sorted Array(Filtered Array(All Living Players(All Teams), And(Compare(Event Player,
			!=, Current Array Element), And(Compare(Player Variable(Event Player, CheckingFlagA), ==, True), Compare(Is In Line of Sight(
			Event Player, Current Array Element, Barriers Do Not Block LOS), ==, True)))), Distance Between(Event Player,
			Current Array Element)));
		Skip If(Compare(Player Variable(Event Player, CurrentTarget), ==, Player Variable(Event Player, NewTarget)), 2);
		Set Player Variable(Event Player, CurrentTarget, Player Variable(Event Player, NewTarget));
		Start Facing(Event Player, Direction Towards(Eye Position(Event Player), Eye Position(Player Variable(Event Player,
			CurrentTarget))), 100, To World, Direction and Turn Rate);
		Wait(0.500, Ignore Condition);
		Loop If Condition Is True;
		Stop Facing(Event Player);

Cannot test it for real working but it is how I see a solution.

More info about me and my game mods you can find here.