Tank's tier list?

Share your’s
S - Rein, Sigma, Dva
A - Zarya, Orisa, Winston
B - Ball, Hog
C - A Bad Winston
D - A bad Ball
E - 5 years old playing as Rein

From what I’ve seen online It’s bassically
S tier: ball,sigma and hog
And then you have the other tanks



Tank Tier’s Change based on both the meta and rank. Here’s the current meta for each rank (based on stats from overbuff from this past week) based on usage rate:

1.) Reinhardt
2.) Zarya
3.) Sigma
4.) Dva

1.) Reinhardt
2.) Zarya
3.) Sigma
4.) Roadhog

1.) Reinhardt
2.) Zarya
3.) Roadhog
4.) Sigma

1.) Zarya
2.) Roadhog
3.) Sigma
4.) Reinhardt

1.) Sigma
2.) Ball
3.) Roadhog
4.) Zarya

1.) Sigma
2.) Ball
3.) Roadhog
4.) Orisa

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S - Sigma
A- Ball, Hog
B- Winston, Orisa
C - Zarya, Dva
D - Rein

After Experimental:

S - Sigma
A - Ball, Hog, Dva
B - Orisa, Rein, Zarya
C - Winston

D - Sigma
E- Ball, Hog
F- Winston, Orisa
E - Zarya, Dva
E - Rein

we’re talking fun tier right?

I feel like DvA gets left out a lot, she can eat Raper and Pharah ult, she can peel great, she can hard counter widow, and her Bomb combos with grav, shatter, and flux. He bomb also bypasses Trans. She has potential to eat Zar, Mei, and Hanzo ult.

my picks.

I would throw zarya and sigma also ball in s tier.

Zarya being actually the top of s tier. When we last had overwatch league we all saw how insane she was that hasn’t changed.

Dva is A tier now with roadhog.

Rein is b tier.

Orisa is d tier.

Tier lists ain’t done assuming the players are bad. They’re done taking into account the maximum potential of the characters.

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