Tanks should receive a "more healing passive"

Remove the knockback passive and give tanks “more received healing” passive.

To explain it, only tanks will be able to receive more healing from health packs and supports’ abilities. Probably 50% more to be on the safe side.

This allows the tank to stay in the fight longer and can possibly prevent the need for counter swapping.

Indirectly buffs supports who are more passive, such as Mercy and Lifeweaver, giving them the opportunity to have the same level of playtime as Kiriko, Ana, and Baptiste (who are still the better options for more aggressive style comps).

This makes sense for the “holy trio of passives”.

DPS get to keep their heal reduction passive, Supports get to keep their quick out-of-combat healing passive, and now tanks can receive more healing all around.

Everybody wins.


more passives yaaaay

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How about ‘tanks should receive a leash to the rest of their team’ instead. Constant feeding tanks today.

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Then play tank yourself…? sounds like free climbing to me.

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It is, 12 for 12. But no more passives, get rid of passives.

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Whaaa? I actually like the passives, lol.

Same, the tank passive is nice. Support and dps just shouldn’t have the passives. The only reason they’re balanced on tanks is their large hitboxes.

I wouldn’t mind it on Mauga seeing as when I play DPS alongside a Mauga I get more attention from the enemy supports than my own supports

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I’d rather not.

The DPS passive is meant to combat gross amounts of sustain from supports (although why they didn’t simply nerf various characters’ HPS is anyone’s guess). With gross amounts of sustain gone, various tanks can afford to have more sustainability baked into their kits. With gross amounts of sustain enabled again, they can’t.

I also really enjoy having 50% steadfast, and I’m not willing to trade that so that healbots can feel better about themselves.


They get more healing by stopping damage with barriers and such or being able to reduce damage

Need more. Missing that 2nd tank really shows how weak tanks are on their own.

Not really, tanks are quite good right now.

If you need a second tank, then you moreso need to improve your tank gameplay

You’re right, I could do better.

That is the opposite of what the game needs, more sustain.



Maybe the passives should be tiered in relation to rank.

Bronze tanks can have this passive

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Never cook again wtf is this

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Maybe after a few seconds without taking damage and only applies to healing sources of under like… 40hps?
Otherwise the game would devolve into Supports pocket tank, tank can only be killed via Anti-heals or extreme burst damage.

(Like I think Ana and Illari could spike over 400HPS with this passive stacked with Ana’s nade healing amp, not factoring in any reduction or negation from the tank or the nade burst heal that’s a 14sec cooldown Transc+ and would outheal turret Bastion)

Tanks should have gotten a flat damage resistance passive, but a small one, and that’s it. I’d be fine with tanks like Reinhardt also getting that knockback resistance, because definitely needs it, but tanks don’t need anything more than to be tanky.

We have ONE tank now. The tank has to be strong, or the entire game falls a part.

But that’s the thing.
Out-of-combat healing, especially one that takes as much as 10sec to kick in.
Is, by definition, not “in-combat healing”.

And the limit is midcombat durability.


Granted what I’m thinking about is a bit different from OP.

Keep the current regen, but after 4sec of basic regen, then do “big regen”.

I don’t agree with tanks being more sturdy without compensation nerf, but I think the mechanism of healing and dmg boost should be switched to each other.

I mean, healing currently is an absolute value, while the dmg boost proportional to the dmg. But it should be changed so that healing proportional to the max HP and dmg boost an absolute value, because the value curve of healing is linear while that of damage is exponential.(Think how much burst damage is more valuable than sustain damage) If you care about balance, the mechanism should be switched to each other.

Also, the value of healing tanks is actually less effective than healing dps/supps cause they have bigger hitbox, and usually much higher incoming damage.