TANKS ONLY, how you feeling?

I’m fine, they basically banned the DPSs of the tank role anyway.

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Most of the tanks are either underpowered, unthreatening or very susceptible to cc,stuns, knockback etc.

Unless your Reinhardht that is. Knockback doesn’t really go squat. Introducing Echo just so she’s a better alternate to taking out Rein is good and all but what of the rest of the dps roster? Forcing to mirror

Echo can turn your meatshield into a ridiculous ult charge rate increase.

The insult to injury is it will just make queues for everyone horrible because who’d want to fight such a thing?

Added it to the graphic to see how it looks.

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Bored. Rein is the only one viable, and hes still a nightmare to play.

Orisas damage is garbage, her barrier made of literal paper.

Sigma is trashed after all the damage nerfs he got and the 1s deployment between barrier usage.

Winston is useless against powercrept Reaper and Brig being a thing.

Hammond same thing above.

D.VA is garbo because her defense hasn’t changed and she only has a second shaved off her boosters.

Zarya is boring and underwhelming. It was cool that her energy size changed with the amount she had. Its so lame that its set to a fixed amount.

Roadhog, as I’ve said in the past and still say now, is garbage since his old damage made him a tank.

Tanks are really boing.


Cause rein (the only good tank) was gone! Of course people picked sigma and orisa to compensate the absence of the only good shield tank

Wouldn’t it be nice if they could buff all barrier tanks to Rein power level. Playing any BarrierTank, and not be throwing.

And you could queue for offtank and play any offtank and not be throwing.

Or queue for offtank with a bit longer queue, but be guaranteed to have a teammate barrier tank on your team.

✅ [Brawler Role] DPS Queue Fix

Off-tank main here.

Not looking forward to playing against Echo in her current form, but I’ll be jumping in the DPS queue a bit to play her, because she is a lot of fun.

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It’s Rein or lose but when Rein was banned last week the game felt awful to play. It’s complicated. They need shield tanks with ults that can keep up with his.

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So, with that in mind, shouldn’t the meta continue to change week to week? If Zarya, Reaper, Ana & Lucio are banned, is Rein meta?

I always see hyper mobile heroes like a living CC in this game. They take the attention of the team because if you dont shut them down they are gonna do it to your team instead.

They switch the team focus on them and meanwhile the enemy team can push taking the advantage some or all members of your team are distracted.

Her ultimate is the apotheosis of this. Focus her and burst her down ( her first life LUL) because if you don’t she will spam 1-2-3 ultimates…or more

I think they should balance their game, especially tanks instead of being lazy and ban heroes. By banning heroes they only “fix” the problem for a week, that’s what i think.

It would be so easy to change orisa a little bit and give us tank players another option to rein/zarya because we want to and not because we are forced to by the hero pool.

Im so tired of rein or throw. #MAKEORISA ANDSIGMAGOODAGAIN

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Unless you’re playing at GM/Top 500/OWL…you can play other tanks besides Rein/Zarya if you want to. You may have to convince your teammates of that though. There will always be a tank that’s “the best” unless there is constant balance in which case it’ll just flip flop tanks out of the “best tank” position in which case hero pools solve that same issue without requiring constant balance on all the tanks

Still waiting on the Echo Support Release… maybe this DPS character is an April fools… :man_shrugging:

I see your point but tell me this, is the game made only for gm and top 500 players??
I know it’s tricky to balance it for everyone cause what’s op in diamond and below is not in the higher ends of the game and viceversa, but the devs have to realise that the majority of the playerbase is not in gm.

Maybe hero pool should only be from master and above then?

No of course not, in fact most of the playerbase isn’t. That’s my point, unless you’re playing at the highest levels of play where the meta heroes are very strict and you have to play them or you lose, you can play whoever you want, as long as your team is up for it.


Maybe, though honestly I think a lot of players would agree it’s nice to have particular heroes banned sometimes. Widow, Mei, Doomfist, Hanzo, McCree, Tracer, Genji, Brigitte, Wreckingball, you name it. Lower ranks get frustrated by heroes too and it’s nice for the meta to change. If there were no hero pools the meta wouldn’t change like it does now.

I do agree with you in a way, i guess i’m just frustrated lately with how tanks feel for me.

I’ve been playing the game for years and i’ve always been a shield tank and now my only option is reinhardt.
The week of his ban it was terrible cause i tried to play orisa but she really is garbage right now, her shield is made of paper and the cooldown is sooo long now.
Sigma feels a little better tho but still nothing compared to rein.

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Schadenfreude at its finest.

Can you please stop advertising everyone of your posts in my discussions lmao

May I ask where? Because neither your public profile nor your Overbuff one shows you having played a single game as Sigma. Thanks.