TANKS ONLY, how you feeling?

Dps seem to be having a fun time right now, but in a few weeks they’ll be crying about queue times again lol. As a support player, I’m not mad Echo herself is a dps, but more a dps in general was released. I’d have taken a support Junker Queen right now over a DPS echo right now.

So tanks, what’s your take on this as the most unbiased role right now?


I’m bored out of my mind with the same old tanks, half of which aren’t viable.


No longer playing. Got tired of rein. I enjoy orisa. She got guttered to a unacceptable state. Sigma is just bad. Bad at pushing, bad a holding ground. Neither feel like tanks to me any more.


I was keep talking about it affecting q times, and my stand dont change, making another dps gona ruin dps waiting times even more. I dont care that much for my times because i usualy pick tank when plaing anyway.

As of a hero herself, she gona counter me a lot. So i guess time to drop game or rein soon, it happends :man_shrugging:


I’m worried. Echo seems like a shield tank shredder and incredibly OP. Sigma is the only tank i really enjoy and he is already F tier and it seems Echo will counter him too. I just hope Echo’s beam dmg will get significantly nerfed.

Also I feel a bit insulted that she can fly but Sigma who controls gravity cant even jump higher than normal.


I see Echo being a tank shredder in general. Jeff says it’s going to challenge players to be aware of low health targets, but I’ll bet most Echo players are just going to target the tanks because of the impact deleting a single tank (especially a barrier tank) will have for their team. If Echo goes live unaltered, McCree, Soldier and Widow, and to an extent Sombra, are going to be the new must-picks alongside her.

I’m particularly scared as a D.Va. Imagine what copying me and ulting three times is going to do to my team.


That is exactly one of my points I made in my heated replies today


They should ignore the Echo hype/complaints and buff Sigma.


I would not say unbiased as any DPS that could be good against tanks (and considering she might be good against everything) would be inherently unpopular among tanks.


I’m very disheartened.

I’ve been very positive about the game since 2-2-2, we got good balance changes, a commitment to faster balancing, armor revert, tank revamp which I liked, loads of CC reductions…

But there’s only so much I can take. There are problems in this game, big ones, that affect everyone, it’s queue times, tanks and support limitation… To release yet another DPS, a tank buster nonetheless, shows an extreme lack of awareness and or/and care.

The only way the make this worse would be if Echo had a stun.


The fact she can become a tank character has me worried that triple tank is going to return and they will probably not go after echo with balancing it. You can now legitimately run double Rein in OWL for team fights. And we all know they won’t go after Echo aspect of this once people start running this as a highly popular comp. Even if they do go after the echo aspect not sure what they can even do to echo’s ultimate to make this not an issue.


game is such a bore these days


Worried about her kit, honestly. She has the tools to evaporate your barrier with little effort, then shred you immediately after.


Its nice to have yet another DPS that will make D.Va mandantory, and then also make D.va get nerfed again.

But yeah I stopped playing because I’m sick of Reinhardt queue.


I’m just here learning how to use heroes I haven’t used before. Honestly, I think people are being hypocrites, most people can play a small amount of heroes well enough. Asking for another support or tank when they haven’t mastered the ones that already exist is dumb. I understand that the game needs more supports and tanks, I agree, but the fact that we got one more DPS is not really an issue, if you want to play another hero, go and practice one that you are not good at. I’m playing and learning how to use Zarya right now and I’m having a blast is like learning a different way to play the game and it feels fresh to me.

Ok can I practice Hammond and Sigma in your comp games

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I don’t play comp so the joke is on you!


Its not just the fact she flies that makes me worried for more tank nerfs its the fact she can litterally be a second d.va, a second hammond or a second Zarya makes me think they are more likely to get nerfed.

Honestly Echo’s ultimate alone probably makes it so she should be a non-dps. Temporarily giving up a support for a damage dealer or another tank is an interesting decision. Giving up a damage dealer for a support or tank isn’t that interesting.


I started playing Paladins again. Might even give League another try. Both games have better tank and support situations than OW.

Even playing Monty in Siege feels better than tanking in OW. I live longer.


Yes but you have to realize.

Echo can copy reinhardt, Reinhardt can ONLY be balanaced. So therefore Echo is only balanced.

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