Tanks might as well not exist

I literally do not understand how you guys don’t think ttk is too low. It baffles me.


Uhhh… What now?

Their barriers are weak and blow up nearly instantly.

IDK what your are on about, because double barrier blows up very quickly now.

Because previously when the TTK was higher, you had people making more exploitable mistakes. So they were dying anyways, despite the TTK.
And that as a game ages, and the playerbase becomes more advance, it makes sense to increase the TTK, such that the “flow rate” of kills stays roughly the same.

TL;DR Nowadays Plats would stomp all over Season 1 GM players.

Then why don’t they do it. Why do dps not even see this as a problem!

Umm… No they don’t? Not consistently anyway

I have played tanks since season 3. Yes they do. I cant even turn a corner anymore without my barrier breaking. And once thats gone I get two shotted or focused. Tanks can not tank.


Are you sure you aren’t just holding barrier up all the time instead of being more strategic and using it to take space?

If I dont use it to turn corner, the widow will blow my supports head up due to powercreep. And this game, being designed around chokes, doesnt give me any other options.

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Tanks sole job is to make space.
You make space with combination of the skills available to you. People think Hog and Wrecking Ball are poor tanks because they can’t just pop a barrier and create space. This is very untrue. They make space through threat and distraction.

Stop expecting a tank to one button their game and you’ll notice tanks still all function pretty well.

Well, as a tank player who has not partaken of the Rein craze, I do just fine.

I agree about the other tanks, but if I do not have barrier, then widow WILL kill the healers. The same damage creep that blows barriers hurts everyone.

Taking a quick look at his profile, he’s got the most hours on Orisa.
And yeah, I’ll agree that Orisa barrier is… not main tank quality.

  1. I doubt you have a Widow in every game. Even then, I doubt they are blowing your teammates heads off all the time.

  2. When you are taking space and a Widow blows a teammates head off… That isn’t your fault. A teammate shouldn’t be relying on artificial breakable cover like that when the team is trying to push. They should let you push up some while they are in actual cover. Plus, Supports can usually do their job outside if a Widow’s line of sight.

  3. Even if they use your barrier, you shouldn’t be losing it like that. Maybe you aren’t taking the right angles. If you are playing Rein with a long gap to close you shouldn’t just walk straight ahead with barrier up. You should take routes that get you to real cover and let your barrier recharge before moving closer

I mean this in all sincerity, Support can use geometry to avoid LOS.

And yes first you have to know WHERE the widow is and keep track of her, but tanks can bait those shots to find her.

I think you’re suffering more from unaware teammates than a lack of capability.

Tanks give up damage and mobility to be more sturdy. They aren’t great at killing things. But they’re not so sturdy that the next guy can’t kill them.

DPS get superior damage AND mobility that keeps them alive.

So what is in this for tanks? Why would you bargain something away that doesn’t GET you any kind of advantage? It’s a foolish trade and most people know this, so most people don’t play tanks.

Well, for what it’s worth, I’ve been thinking for months on how to increase the HP on Barriers, without it being a balance problem.

But in general, the way I make it “not a balance problem” is by making BarrierTanks weaker at close range.

[✅] Expanded DoubleBarrier fixes

Since last winter, I was playing Ball, then Sigma over the spring, now I’m getting back to Winston.

So I haven’t played a ton of Orisa over the past long while, though from what I have played I’ve done well with her.

I wanted to play Orisa recently, but quickplay infuriates me so I was opting for Winston instead since he’s my best tank. I was away for a month playing Apex, so when I do settle back into comp I do wanna play more Orisa.

Well, here’s hoping they not only make Orisa better, but less bland.

[ Orisa] Active playstyle change idea

That’s why they got screwed over by role lock. It used to be not uncommon for you to end up solo tanking against three or four DPS. Which meant you actually have to be tanky and synergize with the supports to survive getting swarmed. One tank is equal to as many as four DPS.

That may seem overly powerful, but since the playerbase doesn’t like tanking, it’s fine. Their unpopularity means they’re self regulating. You’re not likely to get a second tank if your solo tank is doing well on its own. It only became an issue in OWL (and the top 1%) where the players actively abused the tanks. But they only made up a tiny fraction of a fraction of a fraction of the playerbase.

With role lock, you now have two tanks against only two DPS.

Two tanks = Two DPS.

Tanks no longer synergize with the supports, and one DPS (a duelist type, not a tank buster), by itself, can now break a shield. Those aren’t tanks, they’re cannon fodder. If there was a severe shortage of tanks before, there’s only a fraction of them now as tank players left because they originally picked up tanks, not walking ult batteries.

But hey, that’s “balanced”.

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