Tanks are crap now

A lot of balance changes were made because of tank stacking in the past and goats in the present. 2-2-2 will help in this regard to make tanks more viable in a role-balanced comp.

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he is coming lads ik it. hE is coming!

Congrats! You contributed nothing to the thread and clearly don’t play tank.

Lemme clear this up, you can’t play tank beside Orisa with Hog. You are hacked, slept, frozen, punched, stunned, booped, stunned in an endless cycle.
Try tanking for a couple rounds as Rein see what you think of the Hell that is tanking in Overwatch.


Sadly yes. Forum Baptiste with Forum IF isn’t real.


If a new hero shakes up the game that much, it won’t be in a good way. Did you learn nothing from Brig?

D.Va, Hammond and Winston are very very powerful, they just take SIGNIFICANTLY more coordination than you find in ranked, hence you get the easy to run Orisa Hog comps. Rein and Zarya are in terrible spots right now.

i play rhein and i need help only when someone is behind which my team often fails to do

In retrospect all their balancing “mistakes” make much more sense if we look through OWL viewability lense. Overpowered snipers, forced meta shifts, continuous attempts to shove DF in our throats, nerfs of statistically balanced heroes etc.

They do not balance around casual , GM or OWL players. They balance the game for OWL viewers. Glad to see more players noticing it now.


So you are saying we need to nerf Orisa and Hog? I can get behind that.

I stated this before. Goats has effected EVERYONE, even without experiencing the actual comp much, but it went straight over a couple heads…

And got these replies lol

Fact is, even for people like myself who personally have no problem with goats (and never claimed i have), nerfing and buffing around the comp has had a negative effect on the whole ladder which can be rectified in a 222 setting.


Not ok?

D.Va has more place in this meta than any other tank other than Orisa and Hog. Orisa D.Va has always been a pretty good comp and a viable alternative to Orisa Hog.

Her pickrate and winrate aren’t declining right now and are about middle of the road in most elos and she can still do her job just fine. You can still do everything you could do in the past. You just have to be a little closer now if you want to save an ally.

If Orisa wasn’t so stupidly powerful right now you’d see D.Va more. While D.Va can work fine with Orisa, most people prefer Hog for those ez hook combos which is understandable.

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Or it means they are being picked situationally because there is a perceived advantaged on playing them on certain maps or against certain comps.

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Yeah, that’s why I’ve stopped playing Tanks this season and have been focusing on DPS and Support.

and before anyone tries to argue with me, yes I’ve tried to make tanks work, i tried for two weeks at the end of season 16 and it was actually hell. The only tanks i could play without feeding my brains out were Orisa or Roadhog [ironic on the roadhog part]
You can say that this is just me not being very good with tanks, sure, but way back in season 8, playing D’va actually got me platinum.

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Tank players require more awareness than ever. It’s not ok to over extend at all. Tons of CC or focus fire destroy/melt DVa, Hammond, Reinhardt, Winston. Tanks thrive with synergy when a team works together with support. Depending on elo, solo queue team synergy is extremely hit or miss.

That’s kind of why Orisa is top notch right now. Can play really slow and conservative while spamming shots and going for environmental eliminations. It’s the same as tower rushing in WC3 or SC, slow push.

It baffles me that people actually think there’s any truth to this post :smiley:

well, there kinda is.

i’m mainly a tank player and i can confirm that playing tanks nowadays is nowhere as fun as it used to be.
you get overwhelmed by all that dmg output and your “defenses” are a joke.

if you dont get constant support from your healer you cant even create space anymore.

it’s just not fun. and that is a huge problem.

Orisa is not stupidly powerful, she is the only tank that does still work with her shield spam.
the other tanks simply lack survivability.

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I’m also a tank player (main tanks mostly) and I enjoy the role the most. If you don’t enjoy tanking, you should play the roles you do enjoy.

But the thing I find baffling is that he things things like:

And some people seem to think he’s right :smiley:

Part of me wonders if tanks were just systematically overpowered as a role until recently and the reason people don’t like playing them anymore is the ‘overpower hangover’ you get when an overpowered hero becomes average.

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hammond and winston are both fine. they just require more skill to run and coordinate to be effective. but why bother with that when you can just say ‘I AM PULLIN’ and win.