Tanks are a failed concept

Nerf Burst Damage heroes and it won’t be necessary 24/7. Look at Double Shield. It was there for a reason.

Don’t have to. <3

Lower the amount of CC in the game.
Give Tanks more defensive capabilities, maybe lower their offensive as a trade-off. Just a thought.

Tanks are too team dependent for solo queue environment. The tanks as designed by Blizzard feel the best in organized play. Blizzard needs to do a better job of encouraging organized play via social tools and training players from within the client itself.

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I’ll agree with events only, as we get more characters and maps in Paladins.

Sir this is a balancing issue

I’m all for tanks that can actually tank without needing supports up their booch, allowing supports to be more utility based than healing, but your claims are from balancing issues, not the concept or design of tanking.

(This is also partially an issue with map designs. Most maps lack any decent natural cover and 2CP maps are simply bad)

All balancing issues^^^

If Role Queue wasn’t in the game, we wouldn’t have a problem. The fact that “no-one” wants to play them means that it would have been better without Role Queue.

Remember GOATS?

there’s 2 reasons why i don’t want to play tank, i don’t want to tank for strangers and most of the tanks are kind of lame to me aesthetically
(i’m too edgy, i like edgy stuff)

if i get a team i can actually rely on and play around, tanks are actually pretty fun, a bit lame looking but fun.