Tanks are a failed concept

I’m glad you enjoy tanks. Sadly, those “Many Others” you’re referring to are actually large minority or legendary pokemons.

The non-existing number of tank players has started impacting healer queues as well and now they also have to wait eternity to find a match.

Imagine if the devs realized hardly anybody wants to play “Sturdy but boring” heroes.
And stopped applying WoW logic to Tank design.
✅ Need more Barrier Tank players?

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Thats the thing. I enjoy it but aint playing atm (since 2 weeks ago) due to poor role balance and lack of hero choice. Im sure thats a big reason alot of others aren’t playing too (which can be rectified)

In terms of damage output tanks are already basically fat DPS.

Those changes would just make them into OP fat DPS with tanking abilities to boot.

Sigma’s average damage per game is 14,872. Which already puts him 13th highest in the game. Very respectable for a tank and puts him ahead of a lot of DPS heroes.

Increasing that by 18% would increase it to a whopping 16,368. Putting him 5th in the entire game, up with heroes like Junkrat, Bastion and Pharah.

Very similar story for the other changes you suggested.

That would feel unbelievable unfair to fight against. If I am playing any DPS hero, I wouldn’t stand a chance against my tank God Overlords.

It already feels pretty one sided, do tanks really need to be better than other heroes in every metric??

I would only except changes like this if tank healthpools and hitboxes were decreased alongside it, otherwise games would solely be determined by who has the better tank player.

As long as it will encourage people to play TANKS and help queue times… I really wouldn’t mind.

If a Tank could Tank damage for 5 seconds without needing help, I’d say they’re a hella good tank.

This doesn’t make any sense. In a game like this, being harder to shoot seems like a neat twist on the generic FPSes we have out there today. You know that insult people say; “if you want X, go play COD!”? That’s what i’m going to tell you now, but as a matter of fact and not an ironic insult.


The answer to this is to stop nerfing shields and start buffing shield counters. This way, shields stay strong and there’s a reasonable answer to them.

No one expects blizzard to buff anything; now people are saying “you can’t nerf this, so its a failed concept”, and not “you can’t nerf this SO STOP NERFING THINGS AND START BUFFING OTHER THINGS!”

I mean, sure I play some more hardcore fps, and I expected this game to at least reward shooting skills, but a hero pick nullifying hard work w/ an unfair advantage feels more like a joke than a design.

I can literally say the heroes’ hit box having such varaince and effect on enemy performance makes this game more problematic than others in the same genre, and the twist has failed in matter of providing twist w/o endangering balance, similar to what u wanna say to me, and both are our opinions.

Unless they add anti bonuses to more than 1 hero and open up, I’ll keep on to the statement of shield being a failure and they cannot balance around it.


Because based on the track record, u cannot expect them to.

Even w/ your answer

Noone is asking for more shield nerfs, cuz 2 of them are already overnerfed into pseudo-oblivion and yet necessary, and 2 of the 4 shields are actually problematic in matter of balance delicacy.

Even current 4 shields are strong enough to fight against what they need to fight against, so not nerfing them might not even be a thing when shield counters comes into play and makes the game into another round of rock paper scissors.

And still, even when shields have counters, shield being free block and therfore reducing requirement of healing, not generating ult charge for enemies, and fast regenerating in matter of health, are all things that makes them hard to balance.

It’s not just give heroes ways to better counter shields that will help them, because hitting some of the tank heroes w/ those shield break heroes, funnily, is not much harder than hitting shields, should u not make them having an anti-shield bonus, and therefore makes them also tank busters, which makes matter way worse. And when u give them said bonus, they becomes hard counters to shields, and hard counters in this game is never ever good both in balance standpoint and in gameplay standpoint.

People want to point and click. Not have to think about strategy. That’s why it’s a failed concept.

For me one of the game’s concept is taking the RPG holy trinity and putting it into an FPS game with variations in-between. So, I think people are going to have different feelings about the relationships of these roles and how it should interact. Citing experience from genres with similar fantasy archetypes but contrasting that with other FPS games that don’t necessarily have these, creates a clashing sentiment.

There’s also an underlying argument here of what is the right TTK and mitigation that feels fair on both ends; while allowing these roles to feel like they can do other things that are perceived to be fulfilling and independent of their team, fighting and killing, rather than solely as a supportive or dependent role.

I think it really depends on where you come from or expect out of these archetypes in games. Some people just like that classical Paladin with shield defending players to the maximum like some MTG/D&D larping fanatic lol.

he’s okay with winston, i don’t like him with DVA, but yeah so many games with ball hog. GL winning with that tank combo

People just want to play dps. shrug Tanking/support is a different play style that most don’t want to deal with.

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Tanks are very powerful in this game and lots of fun for many of us. That doesn’t change the fact, though, that like every game in history with traditional tank/damage/support roles, damage is going to be the most popular role by far. It’s only a more noticeable population imbalance in OW because you need two from each role to make a team, whereas in things like WoW you only need one tank and one healer for a dungeon and three DPS.

Balance and fun have nothing to do with it. Unless tanks are turned into nothing more than fat DPS, there will always, always, always be many more DPS and support players.

Yes. Nobody wants to think and coordinate with a mobile tank. They want to sit behind their Rein’s shield and have a low-effort poke war so they don’t have to be responsible for their own positioning. That’s why people get yelled at for picking Winston even when Winston is the best pick for the situation. Playing with Winston means effort.

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Tanks are least popular in all sorts of games, though.

These forums don’t want to play tanks, they want to play raid bosses.

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Honestly I think overwatches biggest issue with tanks was adding “main” tanks like they did to the degree they did.

Adding (and this is in line with the OP) big bullet sponge heroes / abilities?

Barriers in particular for example- within the context of how overwatch plays out, their existence almost mandates their requirement.

If rein is banned he’s just replaced with orisa / sigma.

Tanks should’ve been more of the “run and gun” style.

I think zarya is a good example of this. Dva as well.

Tanks who can protecc but do so with quick well timed abilities.

Because they were nerfed to absolute :poop:

Yeah cause if you think like that, then your unlikely to play Tanks in the first place. Refer to my first response on why it’s like that currently.


I play tank 90% of the time I play Overwatch. I still enjoy it, just wish majority of the roster wasn’t nerfed to absolute :poop:

Wouldn’t work. Plus your dividing up a role & the queue with already so few heroes and players that it doesn’t make much sense.

The fix for Tanks is simple. Well, saying it is more than actually doing it. But unfortunately no one but Blizzard has the power to do it. (Unless your a workshop wizard)


  • Take the 1-3-2 buffs and adjust / tone it down for 2-2-2
  • Stop nerfing them and nerf / tone down the DMG.
  • Revert majority of the nerfs after the barrier nerfs back in December 2019.
  • Add more heroes to the tank roster, to give more choice diversity wise to the players
  • Rework / Adjust some DPS heroes to become Tanks
  • Introduce new mechanics that can compete with barriers.

Another huge problem is the lack of range. People who want to actually shoot at stuff never really get to unless they play Orisa. And another is that there are no interesting tank heroes save for maybe Dva/Rein. Add a smexy female tank and all of a sudden you have a relatively popular character, it is genuinely that easy.

I guess my point is it does not matter what the BIGGEST problem is when tanks got 99.

Honestly speaking- I don’t really believe this.

When rein is banned we see comps based around sigma or orisa- often both but not always-

And they tend to do pretty darn well.

Look at the last time rein was banned, we saw Hammond jump up to appearing in almost every game (pushing 6-8% pick rate) with a 56ish win rate in high ranks, along with orisa and sigma who were quite high.

Of course there’s other factors to consider (such as the dps and supports bannned as well),

But every time we’ve seen rein out- the other tanks have done pretty damn good.

I really don’t think it’s a matter of “the other tanks are Garbo”,

I think it’s that rein + zarya in particular is just to good in comparison.

Outside of some exceptions.

I’d like to see hog be made better for tanking.

Especially within the context of a 2/2/2 environment.

I feel Winston could use a little love as well.

But that’s the thing.

I think some tanks need love.

I think some tanks are just fine.

I think some (ok, 1) tank is too far past the edge.

Oh hey another dps / support player talking about tanks.

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