Tanks and healers

Tanks and healers really need to be given more rewards, credits and/or lootboxes on wins. We really need to figure out a way to make it rewarding to play them but also not just to enter a game for free rewards and throw/barely participate for a participation trophy which is a veryyy bad idea in a competitive realm it dilutes the feeling of having to actually compete and push. If anyone has idea’s as well please list them below but also keep this thread on topic no berating others.


They’re working on a priority pass system, where you can fill in for a role in heavy demand (probably tank) and get tickets that can be spent for quicker queues in other roles (probably DPS).


I think we need more feedback on what you did in game. Like “saved from death” when you heal a team mate from like 10% to full or “close one” when you block a ult as a tank. Just more feel good moments.


The problem with this system is even if people lose they will get tickets so in competitive people will go into tank and healer and barely try just to get free tickets on their mains we think throwing and trolls are bad now wait till that gets put in :confused: it’s very concerning.

I don’t care about post game rewards

when i carry as tank and support the only thing I want to be rewarded with is a win. that’s it. wont happen until this trash matchmaker gets fixed


If that does turn out to be a problem, then they can always change it so that losers get one or zero tickets, and/or it costs two tickets to get a faster queue.

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If you want Tanks and Supports to get the same positive feedback DPS get just make them all aggressive Off-Tanks and Off-Supports, like Hog, Zarya, Zen, Lucio and others, so their focus is less about healing and protection and more on killing, which means more positive feedback.


Ah yes so lets just keep gutting what makes overwatch different from other FPS and just make it more and more like them right?

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Well, if playing damage is so rewarding like people say, the only way to attract more people to play Tank and Support is by making them more similar to the damage role, so they get the same rewarding feedback.

I’m not saying this is the right move though, but it sure is an option.

Ok, sorry i am just sick of people trying to remove everything that makes overwatch different so it can be more and more just a boring FPS, hell now people are complaining cause overwatch is a team based game

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Well, it’s how they are balancing the game and their design choices that bothers people. Take for example Brig, she’s a team rewarding character, she offers team value, her kit also has potential to make her an independent hero. What have they done to balance her? Gut her independence to make her very team reliant in a stage only high ranks and pro scene levels of teamwork can get value out of her, because she can potentially bring too much value her team can capitalize on.

Same can be said about Orisa being nerfed.

You play these heroes and of course you’re going to complain the game is too team reliant.

Some other heroes will require less team reliance, but still…

Honestly, I don’t think tank queues are going to be shorter until we get a lot more tank variety. There’s a DPS for every playstyle you could want, but that doesn’t extend to tanks and only somewhat extends to supports. There’s a DPS for every range, ability type, hitbox size, mobility/movement type, every position you’d like on the battlefield, and pretty much every weapon type there is. Meanwhile, I’d rather lose than play a tank, because I hate the playstyle of every tank we currently have.

Literally all of them are designed to play from the front of your team; even the tanks with longer range are designed to play from the front. Some of them might be designed to be so in front that they’re bullying the other team, but there’s no tank that occupies a different battlefield position besides “frontmost bodyblocker,” so as someone who likes to play from the midline or backline, I hate tanking. They all have hitboxes the size of the moon and massive healthpools to match, and again, as someone who likes to dodge stuff, I can’t do that on any tank. They mostly have similar types of abilities too; they either have some form of shield (DM, Barrier, bubble, etc.), or some form of displacement to bully people. That’s it. That’s all the abilities they’re allowed to have. That just isn’t a lot of choice.

It is impossible to play a tank in mid or back line, a tanks job is to push and make space for the team, that is the definition of a tank in team games, the are in the front pushing and making space

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They absolutely do not and don’t in similar games. Even in Overwatch we have several characters that can make space from the backline, like Widow for example. There’s no reason a tank couldn’t have a normal hitbox, 250 health, and throw barriers, or otherwise protect others from the back while also making space.

So you want a tank then can die super easy? Ua have fun getting tank players to play that heros, tank are big heros with lots of health that can soak up damage and force their way into a space and make room for their team to get picks

Weird, it’s almost like they’re supposed to be making space and tanking damage.

I think the game needs to reward more defensive/long-term achievements. Like Play of the Game is nearly always a DPS ult, while the Transcendence that saved your team from a Grav’ed Nanoblade combo receives a card that lumps all of your healing together if you’re lucky. Meanwhile, a tank who’s constantly blocking the enemy Shatter or landing huge Gravs doesn’t get recognized for this at all (except by particularly attentive teammates).

My suggestions are

  • change the end-of-game cards to be more like “[Tank] blocked eight enemy ults!” or “[Support] saved forty-two teammates from the brink of death!” (for when you save low-health teammates under fire) instead of just “Damage Blocked” and “Healing Provided” to make us Tank/Support types feel like our skills are being recognized a little more.
  • swap out Play of the Game for Player of the Game where you get a little animation of the hero they played the longest in that game with a couple relevant stats displayed (teammates saved, ults blocked, priority targets killed, etc). Both of these would adjust the in-game rewards to allow for better recognition of non-DPS heroes while still letting genuinely great DPS players have their moment.
  • and a mostly-joking suggestion that all the new skins/highlight intros/victory poses are A) cool as heck and B) for tanks and supports only so that we look amazing and DPS players are super outdated.

I think blocking ults with shields should have voicelines especially in rein and shatter.

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make widow and doom tanks

Yeah but eventually that stops working.
They’ll get to a level full of other throwers and it’ll be hard to lose lol. OR they will think I might as well try win and try have some fun for 10 minutes instead of wasting my own time. OR they will get banned for throwing too often.

I do think they have appropriate measures in place. But 2 tickets for a loss does seem rather excessive. Maybe half a ticket or even 1 maximum

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