Tanking isn't miserable

Played mostly tank today and had a blast.
D.va was fun af and I could just DM everything and force so much positioning.
Sigma was just broken with Shield and then grasp and then rock and shoot that person for usually a kill and then move to cover and rense and repeat while being sustained.
Rein was fun but definitely needed the most resources but 1600 shield while knowing how to angle myself made me feel unkillable
Even Orisa was a decent experience since dying with a shield, fortify, CC and heals feels lowkey impossible at times.

Really don’t see how anyone could find tanking miserable if they know how to actually play the role.

Sigma and D.va were great and S Tier picks.


Tanking has been better but it’s not miserable at all right now. I can still have fun on it, and I still have way more fun on tank on average than DPS or support

Only thing I’m worried is if they try to make every hero OP and it melts tanks in OW2


The thing is that’s high ELO. Maybe 3% of the players.

Lower ELOs has basically been “Rein or Lose” with maybe slightly more offtank selection, for who knows how long.

And for slower regroups and engages, that’s a whole lot of blue rectangle time, and not much else.

Especially given that Tanks are often placed in ELOs way above or way below their own MMR, to accommodate for their scarcity. Which is a lot more of those landslide wins or landslide losses. That feel like your personal actions didn’t do much to determine a win.

Not to mention the feeling of clawing your eyes out when your teammates on the lower MMR side, really really can’t hold up their end on reliable kills or reliable heals.


Yeah on bronze everything is fun

Wait when you are on diamond then the dps focus on you and try actively countering you. Then come back to see if you had a “fun experiencie”

Also no offense but you play on console switch/xbox. That show just how casual you are in OW. Yeah when i play ball with my switch at the job on 500 MMR everything is insane fun but wait when i play on PC-Competitive at 3k-3.5k is another world


I’m in diamond on tank…


Personally, the main issue tank mains face is not having a coordinated team around them.

Perhaps they should find some friends to Q with… :wink:

“I like tanking, therefore tanking is fun.”

Barely anyone queues tank


People find tanking untuitive if they play this game first, and say come from like an mmo background. Or learning ways to position to mitigate damage.

I mean if you have healers who haven’t yet figured out how to aim then it’s rough, but honestly I feel like I make the most impact when I play tank, if it weren’t for Lucio I’m sure I would be a tank main.

Because the heroes themselved are badly designed, not because of weakness. Why be a floating dutch maestro that fires balls instead of a cyborg ninja? Or an… african cow robot? Why?

correction: Tanking is miserable, but not any more or less miserable than the rest of Overwatch


The only time tanking felt awful to me was when we were stun locked. Now the only reason they can feel awful to play is when you have teammates that don’t follow up on what you do. Like when I stand at the choke on Anubis holding my shield up and my Ana stays there hard scoping to heal instead of walking through to the left causing me to lose my shield.

It should be noted that the OP plays on the nintendo switch, whose diamond rank is like PC bronze / silver.

It’s not really comparable to playing on PC.


Hate to point it out there but console and pc aren’t that different atm. The dps can focus fire all they want but I know how to manage my cooldowns and know my team’s resources. You can’t focus fire me if I take away your positioning.

That is one way to put it :smiley:

I mean tanking can be fun, but also not as fun as other roles, that doesn’t mean it’s not fun

On diamond tanks stomp all over dps lol.

I love OPs like that, “I had fun so why don’t you? I’m T500 tank after playing only a day as tank so why aren’t you? Pfff get on my level”


The Switch Account is 1 Star and The Xbox is Level 1…

It is.