Tanking Isn't Boring

It’s because you can’t play 2x “fun tanks”, I.e. Zarya/Hammond/Roadhog/D.va, and have a reasonable expectation of winning for pretty much all ELOs.

However, outside of GM, you can probably do just fine with 2x fun DPS, and 2x fun Healers.

I used to love playing orisa. Protecting my team with a shield, saving a teamate by blocking cc, the satisfaction of pulling a good halt that either takes someone off the map or sets a teamate up for a pick. I loved it. It was everything that tanking is about. Then they guttered her because she isn’t the poster boy rein, and my love for the role died.

that’s not why tanking is boring at all, its the chain ccs, the getting your health destroyed by an op dps and not being able to do too much to stop it yourself that is the problem


Well yeah, Hanzo dealing 990 damage in 1.5sec is pretty gross.

Echo shouldn’t be highly evasive, ranged, and also delete tanks at the same time.

And yeah, Brig’s equipment shouldn’t really exist, unless she becomes a Tank.

And all ranged knockbacks should be reverted to how they were in 2018.


I mean there’s a lot of reasons. I’d also say it’s boring because they are no longer actual true tanks. They have either been completely gutted or turned into dps hybrids. Blizzard has no respect for actual tank players and fully commited to trying to please dps


I wouldn’t worry about it too much.

Unless devs commit to drastic changes, then all barriers being 800hp or less would just be a sniper free kills simulator.

OW2 PVP, Low Barrier problems

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they have also removed lots of carry potential from some tanks (rein shatter nerf from almost a year ago, Zarya charge nerf (was needed imo), dva dm nerf (harder to shut down certain team winning projectiles and ults, aswell as save teammates), hog is just in a pretty bad spot now because of the direction the meta has gone in, same with ball (mcree buffs)

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What did make orisa fun for you out of interest?

Yeah if they go through with it I’m out. You will never see me play tank again and depending on how bad it is I might drop the game completely. I liked that overwatch wasn’t more cod had the role trifecta

Well, if it’s properly implemented, it would be a blast.

I just don’t see that happening.

or they personally don’t like it. it’s all a matter of opinion in the end

If you like tanking in the dps form sure. If you like true tanking then it’s the complete opposite of a blast

I mean, I come from the class based shooter genre.

So the idea that “Large Hurtbox Characters are only valid in a shooter game, if they are modeled after MMO/MOBA designs”, is pretty alien to me.

DVA,Ball aren’t boring.

Orisa is the definition of boring lol. I still play because the only tank with a reliable longer range weapon and works with defensive campy teams.

Rein is a roller coaster. You either feel like a king conquering the world or getting dived, tortured and useless lol.

Zarya is the most stable probably too stable and not exciting.

Peeps dont play tanks not because tanks are weak. Tanking is BORING.

That’s fair. I come from the mmo moba side where tanking is all about sustain, zoning, damage absorption, and mitigation. Damage was never a focus I cared for. Even in cod my love was for zoning and drawing attention with the riot shield.

I don’t have a problem with dps tanks just the fact that the devs deleted everything I enjoyed about tanking to more those. Y’all had the entire off tank role, with winston and hammond. Sigma being a middle ground and even rein to a extent. We just had rein and orisa. Now we’re pretty much extinct

Well, I mostly meet you in the middle anyways.

Since I’d prefer barrier strength reverted to how strong they were right after Sigma was released.

The catch is you’d want AnchorTanks to maintain their lethality, and instead have weaker close range defences.

Like a 2000hp Rein, with firepower buffs, but 200hp+200armor would be ideal.

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I mean I would legit take no lethality if it meant I could purely do my role in the most effecient way. Heck set orisas gun to 1 damage give her a 1100 shield, half fortified and halt cooldown, and 400 extra armor. I’d be happy. I’d be able to get much more done enabling my team this way than her current state

Tanking is less boring than it is unrewarding, especially when you’re not allowed creativity or flexibility by your teammates.

Then I should be able to climb to go ez on dps like I did on tank, right?
Sadly im still bronze

1 mistake and ur gone, ur teammate gone, ur sr gone, ur time gone, ur happiness gone, ur life gone