Tank-tip of the day, Tank counter(s) for each tank

I sadly didn’t have a lot of experience against Ramattra because of how new it (it? he? not sure how it works with omnics, guess can be both because of the voice…) is so it’s completely possible my opinion will change in the future after future experiments.

But from looking at their designs. To me it feels like you use boosters + matrix to engage
and if he goes for nemesis form you either disengage to stall it or go for the other target while using matrix to stall as much as possible.

Ramattra in general is a bit of a stally character, you want to avoid his nemesis as much as possible so he gets back to his normal form. His ult works really similarly tbh - you don’t want to be near it unless you know you can beat it.

So I think D.va has a pretty good chance to counter him if played more carefully and not full engagement straight up. But then again, I need more testings. I didn’t have enough experience against Ramattra players and usually when I do see one (not too common), I just go for Rein and shows Ramattra who’s the boss…

No sweat. Hammond is built more for backline harassment and disruption, so having a good tank matchup is less about countering the other tank and more “what abilities do they have to mitigate my hamster antics?”

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I’m just saying from experience in grandmaster lobbies. Dva gets whooped by ramattra. His nemesis punches straight up go through defense matrix. His ult is also terrible for dva since, again her main defensive ability does nothing against that. Also if dva is caught in the middle of his ability that pulls you to the ground and slows you, she’s basically just dead

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I get what you’re saying it’s just that… Even Winston who’s all about the squishies at least got Sigma to counter. Poor Hammond doesn’t get even one tank without cc and without a way to stall all of his abilities…

Could have been nice to have a tank that focus on accuracy and long range denial so Hammond has something to be good against :frowning:

Wait, Matrix doesn’t block the pummel?! don’t get me wrong, I did hope for a medium or long range (this one specifically is medium) melee ability. But I really thought pummel just goes through shields like Moira’s orb or something like that… This changes quite a lot…
I would reconsider, thank you for the informative feedback :slight_smile:
Like I said, sadly I didn’t get a lot of experiment with and against Ramattra so all I have to trust is knowing the other heroes and reading about his kit (with a bit of experience against him). So any feedback on the subject is always nice.

Bypasses Sigma’s grasp too. Gives Ram free ult charge if distance is closed and the matchup is good. Don’t recall Orisa’s spin, but I imagine it bypasses it too.

If I recall, it doesn’t ignore Zarya’s bubble (but does pierce behind), and only triggers her weapon charge once.

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I’m still shocked by this fact though tbh.

Didn’t expect it to pass time based protections as well.

imo ive never had a problem beating hog as dva, you just have to be mindful of your defense matrix and boosters. also idk if its js skill issue but half of the time when im playing dva vs ramattra i get whooped by the ramattra. ty for this list tho, i just started playing ow2 again this month (i stopped playing shortly after launch). this was a big help :+1::heart_hands: